Post V-Day Beat Down

Event Date

Feb 15, 2016

The Thang:

  • Mosey across campus with Butt Kickers

  • Mosey lap around the parking lot end up pull up bars

  • Partner one 10 Pullups, Partner two 10 merkins, switch drop by 2

  • Mosey to Wall with partners, peoples chair, 20 air presses, 10 hip slappers, then 25 partner sit ups while partner planks

  • Mosey to fireplace 10 jump ups, 10 decline merkins, 10 jump ups, 10 incline merkins

  • Circle Up SSH 20, Wind Mill 15, Toy Solider 15, IPST 15,

  • Ladder Workout with parking lot lanes as rungs

  • 10 Burpees – run – 20 Merkins, plank

  • 10 Eight Count Body Builders – run – 20 Merkins, plank

  • 25 situps while partner planks, switch – run – 20 Merkins, plank

  • 10 Burpees – run – 20 Merkins, plank

  • 20 WWII situps – run – 20 Merkins, plank

  • 20 Squats – run – Merkins, plank

  • 25 situps while partner planks, switch

  • Mosey to the jungle 1 rounds through the monkey bars

  • Mosey to the top of the lot, sprint across the top and mosey back to the cars

  • Rock pile: 15 curls, 10 shoulder press, 15 bench presses, 10 skull crushers, return the rocks

  • Mary: LBCs Don Ho W’s, Merkins in Cadence Recover Recover


  • Easy day for the PAX not one BS call on the morning

  • Just a little grumbling over the hip slappers

  • Great to have a small group of strong men to lead

  • Anyone in need of a great Project Manager give Carpet Bagger a ring, text, tweet

  • Thank you to Lego for the privilege to lead the Pax this am, it was an honor and pleasure