Post V2V Workout

Event Date

Apr 17, 2024

5 guys out on a nice Wednesday am to put some work in.



SSH, Cherry Pickers, Windmills (led by Grip), IST’s, Arm Circles


The Thang:

20 reps of the following exercises:

  • Arnolds
  • Lung Curl
  • Front Raise
  • 7’s 
  • Hammer
  • Fly Leg Up
  • Bridge Bench Skull
  • Overhead Pull Crunch
  • W
  • Mason



  • Great work by all.  Fun one
  • 911 did his monthly parking lot maintenance to have a “fresh” workout area.  Thanks for blower this am bro.
  • Natty brought the tunes this am!  Opening song, “There goes my Hero!”, one of the Q’s favorite V2V songs describing the Q’s teamates.   Natty did it again, a phenomenal job leading the Ville to Ville team with excellent planning, driving skills, post race parties, and beef jerky skills. 
  • 911 going to Home School advisory dinner, mainly because it’s at 5pm, and why not!  
  • Overheard during the workout: “Is there an in-state discount for Duke students?”
  • Natty will be an empty nester this weekend, getting a sneak preview of the future.
  • Legs are a little sore after the relay, not going to lie….
  • It was an honor gents