PPD Hillwork for our boy Mojito

9 @ Cobalt this morning. Several arrived on foot – Toro, Pinky, Germantor. One arrived in a shiny new minivan…..looking good Surf. You were born to drive an Odyssey bro. FNG-1 is Zach Roach (Black Flag aka Bags of Sand).


SSH X 20 IC, Merkins X 15 OYO, Runners Lunge, Cherry Pickers X 10 IC, SSH X 15 IC

Main Event

Run over to bottom of hill at Preservation Point Drive for some hill work. 4 X up and down the hill. 

1 – AYG sprint up the hill / circle for plank set at top / mosey back down

2 – Backwards run up the hill / circle at top for abs / mosey back down

3 – Stop at every mailbox up the hill for 5 merkins or burpees / mosey back down

4 – Split into 3 groups of 3 for some racing – winners: 1) Toro, 2) Surf, 3) Black Flag / no prizes other than pride

Run back to clubhouse with a stop for some ab work on the way. 

Circle at clubhouse for 1 minute burn-out set of AYG merkins. All she wrote. Mojito’s ladies did not make an appearance today but the hill work was all for him given his love of hill training. 

3.11 miles running 


  • Grip would have brought us to double digits but he was doing an indoor “off the books” workout. Hmmmm. Discussion around format had….consensus reached pretty quickly on that one.
  • Running backwards up the biggest hill in the hood sucks. Period.
  • Winter gear was out per the backblast. Although Toro had the same sweatshirt on that he wears in the summertime. 
  • Black Flag can step on the gas when he wants to…..providing some context to the “aka” above
  • Mojito went missing on the second rep up the hill. Speculation of mid-workout deuce…..turns out his shoe was untied. Tough to manage that one with the winter gear on. Glad we found him.
  • Dry January more than halfway over. Some good discussion around no alcohol alternatives. Hopwater, Hoplark and Athletic Brewing IPA are good ones. 
  • Charlotte 10-miler and 4-miler race in Ballantyne on 2/10. Mojito and Slow signed up. Carpool from hood. Nice flat race with good swag. Any other takers?
  • Great work fellas. Awesome start to the day.