Pre-BRR Taper Day

13 Brave Men showed up this morning for a light-ish version of PAINinsula since most were in final preparations for BRR This weekend.


Run fwd, bwd, butt-kickers, high knees, side shuffle L&R, and then run behind The Teeter for COP.

  1. SSH IC x whatever (distracted by arrival of PT, Bago, and Estes and their antics)
  2. IST IC x 15
  3. Windmill IC x 10
  4. Carolina Dry-docks IC x 15


  1. Single leg calf raises IC x 10 then switch


  1. Curls for Girls, Shoulder Press, and Skullcrushers IC x 10
  2. Curls for Girls, Shoulder Press, and Skullcrushers IC x 8
  3. Curls for Girls, Shoulder Press, and Skullcrushers IC x 6
  4. Each set the PAX would move L or R to a new rock around the circle.
  5. Return Rock to its home
  6. Irkins and Derkins IC on Guardrail IC x 10
  7. Dips IC x 10

INDIAN RUN UP TO BBC TO SHOW OFF (not 100% sure of all we did here)

  1. LBCs IC x 20 Mosey to Next Corner
  2. Peter Parkers IC x 10
  3. Pickle Pounders IC x 10 Mosey to Next Corner
  4. Rosa Lita IC x 12
  5. Touch dem Heels IC x 10 Mosey to Next Corner
  6. Low Flutter IC x 12
  7. Monkey Humpers IC x 10 Mosey to Next Corner
  8. WWII Sit-ups x 10 then something else then Mosey to Next Corner
  9. Low Dolly IC x 10 then Homer to Marge x 4



  1. YHC along with Mooch (yes really), Burner, Calypso, Pierogi, and BKOI all met #TheStandard
  2. BKOI can GTH coming in Hot, in the wrong car, and then that BS Pace for Standard. Let's always do what you wanna do! Spider, not a Starfish.
  3. The 1.25 miles of Downhill to start #TheStandard was nice. The 1.25 miles back up to finish was the goodest.
  4. I wanna thank Estes, Winnebago, and Primetime (My Battle Buddy) for making the long trek up here to Exit 28 and PAINinsula. Good hearing you all this morning.
  5. This weekend will be the most on fleek BRR there has ever been. 99/9% of the fleek will be coming from Team Inconatians and mostly Van 2. Hair on fleek, tanks on fleek, running mediocre but still on fleek. Let's get WEIRD!
  6. Looking forward to slumber party Saturday Night @ The Hostel with Madame Kittay.