Pre-Coyote Karma @ Sweatshop

Backblast 2020-05-26, Pre-Coyote Karma

FNG1 = Bambi

FNG2 = Mr. Roboto

FNG3 = Dora

FNG4 = Overboard

Nero = Rogue

The Hangover (who only blessed us for the Warm-Up) = Puddin

Need to get all these guys to sign up and get accounts!


20 PAX met at the Green for a Coyote CSAUP Tune-Up, 19 departed for the workout, 18 finished


SSH x15, CP x15, Merkins x15, MC’s x15, stretch calves, stretch other stuff, Imperial Walkers x15

The Thang

Mosey to cross-walk and cross DC Road onto campus.  Grouch got ahead of PAX by ignoring the do-not-walk signal, so YHC let him keep running when we turned right a couple hundred yards later, and he had to catch up by traversing the mud.  This would prove to be a theme the rest of the evening, mostly with Samsung, as Grouch learned his lesson the first time and didn’t get too far ahead of the Q thereafter unless he knew the destination.

Mosey to a green spot on campus, circle up, do a six-count core exercise x10.  This still needs a good name, plus time for more repeatos.

Mosey to stone risers on the short hill in the field near the Outpost.  OYO  20 dips on lowest row, 10 incline merkins on 2nd row, run to top of hill, 5 burpees at top.  Repeato, Repeato.

Mosey to dirt track.  Here Samsung and Bambi took off, and nearly took a wrong turn by getting ahead of the Q.  Halt at far side of dirt track.  Each of the PAX selects a rock of the size approximating their manliness.  Comments about Samsung’s manliness followed. 

Rock Curls x10 IC, Rock Skullcrushers x10 IC, Rock OPs x10 IC.

PAX were asked to count the birdfeeders around the dirt track (there are 9).  Samsung plants his left shoe in coyote dung, and it was a wonder he didn’t see it first given the size of his rock.  The stench had the PAX reeling.  OYO, PAX circled the .30 mile dirt track, dropping to do give 10 CDD’s on their rock at each birdfeeder.  Samsung, who finished the first lap far in the lead while lugging a rock that had to have eclipsed the size of his cell phone by at least an inch, was asked to select a new rock.   Repeato of the .30 mile dirt track lap with 10 merkins at each birdfeeder.  This was tough, and a few modifications were observed by the Q, not the least in the quality and depth of his own merkins.  Total of 90 Rock CDDs, 90 Rock Merkins.

Rock Curls x5 IC, Rock Skullcrushers x5 IC, Rock OPs x5 IC.

Time running short.  Mosey to back wall of Belk Arena near pull-up bars.  Wall-sit as the PAX congregates.  Flip to B2W, hold it for 15 seconds.  Drop to 45 degrees, Aussie MC’s x15.

The Moleskin

Mosey to Belk parking lot, Recover Recover.  COT with 18 (The Hangover only blessed us during warm-ups, and Salami had to depart early), with thanks to the Almighty for the opportunity to #ACCELERATE again and ditch the Sad Clown routine after the overlong SIPO. 

2nd F #Sweatshop-style (with Nero joining in) for a cooler full of cold ones (Sam Adams Summer Pack and PBR’s) out of the back of YHC’s car.  DC has the best college security going, btw, as he gave us a shout-out.

It was great to be back with the PAX, and to lead this group of HIM for the first time (non-virtually) in over two months.