6 studs appeared on a great morning for a pre-Easter workout.
SSH’s, IST’s, Windmills, Cherry Pickers, Arm Circles
The Thang:
20 reps of the following exercises:
- Dead Lift Row
- Curl, Press, Skull
- Boat Press
- Boat Flutter
- WWII Jab
- Bridge Bench Skull
- Cross Body Curl
- Hammer
- 2 Way Bent Row
- Bent Fly
- Great weather, great morning!
- Surf and Turf – 1st to workout this am, beating the normal first arriver G-Rip. Surf took fanned his pad and cleaned up the workout area for the pax prior to their arrival, thanks bro.
- 911 shows up with his blower and cleaned the parking lot even more.
- Grip has a little raspy voice coming off sickness, pushed through for a strong showing today
- We must have been on the flight path this am, many planes were flying over.
- Quotes overheard during workout: “I can’t hear shit”, “Ignore it and maybe it will go away”. Good marital advice…
- Natty, Schwinn, and Pinky have a strong showing at the Craft Beer 5miler in preparation for the upcoming Ville to Ville.
- Grip going to Highlands soon, Slow going to Marathon Key. Safe travels fellas!