Pre-Hurricane Fun…with Zima!

FNG's (Not on website: Abba, Puddin', LB, Zima (named today)

Warmup: Obligatory SSH to start then some static/4-count hold stretches (Runner's Stretch / Lunge / Prone Shoulder Taps).

We started by running to DUMC to pick up a pair of bricks and warm up our shoulders (demo given on the shoulder movements…no clue on the names of those movements).

Ran with our bricks to parking lot by the pull-up bars.  6 Rounds of T-Pushups with bricks (IC) + Toes-to-bar on pull-up rig (OYO) (10-10, 10-9, 10-8, 10-7, 10-6, 10-5).  Ran back to DUMC to drop off bricks and pick up sandbag.

At this point I told everyone to partner up with someone of comparable speed.  Note: Mary K did not have anyone with comparable speed.

5 Rounds of Sandbag Thrusters (IC)(10,9,8,7,6) + Sprint to dumpster and back with your partner (Winner does 5 pushups / Loser does 10 pushups).

Mosey back to Green for Mary (Elevated Runner's Stretch and Child's Pose shoulder mobility stretch).

Great work by all this morning!  We recovered with the naming of Zima!  Welcome to F3DBC!

Everyone stay safe this weekend!

