Pre Palmetto

Event Date

Jan 14, 2023


6 men appeared in the gloom

5 men started at 630 with a 6 mile goal – accomplished

Warmorama: runners stretches and off

The Thang:

  • Mosey to boat launch
  • 20 Derkins, 20 inclines, 20 dips
  • 1 set of Maggie and Monroe, + partial 2nd set
  • Mosey to base.  


  • Germanator steady and solid pace for 6.  Good thing as the MIL Palmetto Team may be down a runner and Germanator is looking like a solid sub and driver 
  • Good luck to Mojito and his CTK swim team today at Huntersville Aquatics Center
  • overheard – snow in the Mountains – Natty taking daughter skiing Monday – should be some good conditions.  could be a daddy/daughters trip to enjoy the snow for Surf today
  • date night
  • MLK day counts as a day in the office?
  • 3rd F – coffeeteria and Dunkin.  Only 223 days until USC/UNC tailgate.  Apparently there is also the kickoff game at BofA Stadium.