22x low fast flyers came out to Hollywood for a special pre-screening of the new TopGun Maverick movie which just released the movie trailer a few days ago.  Onlly fitting that YHC, TopGun, would lead the charge this fine, cool morning. 


Mosey to the parking lot for SSH, Slow Windmill, Cherry Pickers, and IST, all x 15 IC.  Threw in a little downward dog and calf stretches to get us loosened up for the main event.  There was much appreciation for the "dark arts" mobility moment from the MQ.  

The Thang

Mosey over to "the ramp".  Now in the movie trailer, you will note Mav leading a division of Rhinos (F/A-18E Super Hornets) through a snowy Star Wars canyon, and then rolling inverted when crossing over a ridge.  This maneuver is to keep low altitude and allow the terrain to mask your radar cross section and avoid radar contact from AAA, SAMs, manpadas, and enemy radar in general.  By rolling inverted, you can pull more G's and have a tighter radius of turn than simply doing a negative G push-over.  So the maneuver would be at the crest of the ridge, snap roll inverted, pull to the horizon, and then roll back 180 to wings level and continue on the mission.  Also, I was a RIO in VF-11, the World Famous Red Rippers, so we used the number 11 today… a lot. 

Run to the top of the ramp (ridge), drop and do x10 Merkins, roll inverted, x10 V-ups, roll back on your chest, x10 CDDs.

Run back down the stairs to sea level and do x1 carrier bounce which Cherry Bomb correctly identified as… a burpee. 

Repeato for x9 and x2 burpees, x8 and x3, and so forth until you hit x1 and x10.  

But we didn't set the wires so still on a mission!  Mosey to the blocks, grab a Cindy.

Next up, the TopGun Colt 45.  x15 low curls, x15 high curls, x15 TopGun, too close for missiles, switching to Guns, Full Curls, all IC.  

Not quite enough Cindy's for everyong to play with, so partners did squats while the other curled. 

Jersy Boy didn't want to share, and crossed the circle to keep his Cindy all to himself.  Goat stepped up and shared his with YHC, since he cares about my fitness.   

Just to make sure everyone got to do a set, switch and repeato on the x15 Full Curls IC. 

Now we hit the Overhead, which in naval speak is the ceiling or the airspace above the carrier/target/etc.

Execute 10x Overhead presses IC, partner reverse lunges, then switch and repeato.  Put Cindy back.

RTB (Return to Base) and Mosey back to the fountain for…


15x Low Flutter, 15x touch them heels, 20x suzannes sumers each side, 15x W's, all IC. 

Wrap it up with a sit on your six, spread eagle sit and reach, then on your feet, forward fold, reverse swan dive up…

Recover Recover – Mission Complete

Good times had by all and a good crowd.  Good job keeping NORDO (no radio) and keeping the mumble chatter low on the ramp for our sleeping neighbors (that should be up working out).  Special welcome to Dauber at his second post.  Hope to see him back out there and Q'ing soon!  Thanks to Goat for the chance to lead, always an honor. 

TG sends,


