Pregnancy Walks

Event Date

Mar 07, 2020


Only three this morning with a host of other activities going on around the area. But we made the most of it, paying homeage to Shredder's wife who just gave birth.

Warm up

Some windmills, some mountain climbers, some squat jumps, some adductors squat walks and some merkins to down dogs. Generally 15 of each, loosening up for the grind ahead.


Back to the back playground for some grinder instruction. We used my 90# sandbag which is the size and shape of a medium beach ball. When held in front of you with arms clasped together (harder for some Pax than others – lol) it gives the distinct image of a very pregnant individual! Walking that 90# bag to the front playground and back shreds the posterior chain – low back, mid-back, rear delts, glutes and hamstrings. That was the timer. The other 2 pax worked their way through the following:

Ladder L-raises

Plank block drags (side to side)

Squat thrusters using the big metal pole (stripper squats???)

Ball slams

Sledge hammer work on the tire with the 15# sledge

Banded lawnmower pulls

Low plank hip dips

And, last but not least, roll-over burpees in the mulch


Back to the front with all the equipment (thanks, Strudel for the final bag carry). Some final down dogs to up dogs to finish things off.


Ruth 1:8

"…Entreat me not to leave thee, or to return from following after thee; for whither thou goest, I will go; and where thou lodgest, I will lodge; thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God."

I love the story of Ruth and Naomi. Ruth is all about commitment. Once she commits, she is all in. Not kinda in, ALL in. She gives up everything and supports Naomi. As we reflect on our lives and roles we should ask if we are all in – with our God, with our family, with our friends. God will always be at our side, but I am sure He is happy when we are at His side and striving to be all in with the things that matter most.


Strudel was a beast on the bag – even if his arms didn't fit all the way around!

Dandelion exercised more than just his body – also his good judgement and scaled appropriately in order to ensure his healing continues.

And another congrat's to Shredder and his family on a healthy baby.