Prepare Ye the Way

Event Date

Dec 01, 2018


FNG-1 was ReCon

Tclaps to Dandelion, Mulligan, Skipper, Theuss, and YHC for running 6.5 miles this morning pre-workout.  "Family plans" and "football travel plans" had 3 of them leaving at 7 or 715.  Glad they could participate in the pre-BEATdown run.

6 arrived in the gloom to participate in an oldie but a goodie.  During the workout, I attributed the Main Dish to Atlantis.  During some 'homage texting' with him, he mentioned that Sonar was actually the dastardly creator…and oh, I remember cursing him under my breath on the track.  Good fun to be had, and it went a little something like this…

Hors d'oeuvres:
20x SSH
15x windmills
15x merkins
15x LCC
20x dippy birds, 10/side natch
15x storm troopers

Appetizer: parking lot fun, "& mosey back" assumed
butt kickers
high knees
karoake, both sides
monkey drill, both sides
*** despite Metro's "good ideas," I decided against inch worm merkins, mostly because it wouldn't pair well with the Main Dish
bear crawl/crawl bear

Main Dish:
run up LBH, 20x sprint merkin ladder(20->1)
sprint, 20 merkins
every 1:30, sprint + decreasing merkins (19, 18, 17, etc.)
*** doesn't seem too hard, but it is amazing how quickly the arms are toast and the energy is zapped.
*** the struggle was real, 12-15 seemed to be the hardest, although it never really became easy
*** Shredder kept pretty quiet on the other side of the road.  Pretty sure he was mumbling daggers my way…or creating his next horrible workout…I'm scared either way.

back to the back for a few block sets
1. 10x curls
2. 10x block, squat, thrusters
3. 10x good form hanging block curls (head up, arched back, squeeze shoulders together at top)
4. 5-10 OYO full block sit/stand ups (much discussion about center of gravity differences, form, hip flexibility…we were toast)

After Dinner Drink:
*** tclaps to Skipper for leading some Freddie Mercury's and LBC's while I run back to snag my dropped weinke from the back
10x box cutters
10x 2-count slow scissors
30 seconds American Hammers

Reflection:  Isaiah 40
"A voice of one calling in the wilderness, 'Prepare ye the way for the Lord, make straight paths for him.  Every valley shall be filled in; every mountain and hill made low.  The crooked roads shall become straight; the rough ways made smooth.  And all people will see God's salvation.'"
– As we approach Christmas, I urge all to reflect on how YOU will prepare your spirit, your family, those around you.  Do you have some parts of your journey that have valleys or rough ways?  Make straight paths.  
– Make is an imperative action verb; it calls you to do something.  Our path to a more appropriate life does not typically begin with sitting on the couch, spending time with social media, and focusing on the commercialism of the holiday season.  An action is required to make paths straight.  
– We are called to make our paths straight.  We are called to make others' paths straight…remember the Golden-er Rule?  "Love others as I have loved you.  You will be known as my followers by how you love others…remember that Jesus said this during the Last Supper, just before he was beaten and crucified for our salvation.
– Reflect internally and with your M how you can help your children's paths be straighter.  How can you help them avoid obstacles and temptations that may be lining their path to salvation.  
– Make a point to have real conversations with people at parties.  Be joyful and real.  Listen to their situations to understand them; help them have hope if they are down.  Lift others.  Encourage them and help them straighten their paths.
– You can spend this Christmas sitting on the sidelines or you can intentially Prepare the Way.

– most items sprinkled in the notes above
– Great to have ReCon resurrect his membership in the SVU brotherhood.  Welcome back Bro. Always nice to see you.  Nice to chat with you as we were catching breaths between sets.
– Cajun air popcorn eating the night before a workout apparently loads up the bellows.  Little bit of 'clearing the room' issue during the block sets.  Seriously!
– Heard something about Vortex's double-IPA workout last night.  Miss you Bro.

Prepare Ye the Way this week guys.  Not just a 1-minute reflection, but a way to grow and help lead others.  Freed to Lead.

Thank you for the honor to lead.  Always a blessing and honor to do so.