Prepping for the Inevitable Agony of the IPC

Event Date

Aug 29, 2020


Right over left leg stretch

Left over right leg stretch

Side Straddle = 20 IC

Windmills = 10 IC

Copperhead Squats = 10 IC

Toy Soldiers = 10 IC

Plank Jacks = 10 IC

Arm circles

Hug yourself

Mosey parking lot lap to block pile.


The Thang:

Take a block to the gym entrance and:

Curls for the girls = 10 IC

Skull Crushers = 10 IC

Row right arm = 10 IC

Row left arm = 10 IC

Overhead press = 10 IC

Block squats = 10 IC

Block merkins = 10 OYO

Block sit ups = 10 OYO

Burpee block press = 10 OYO

Mosey parking lot lap





LBC’s = 10 IC

Jane Fonda’s = 10 IC each leg

Pretzel crunch right over left = 10 IC

Pretzel crunch left over right = 10 IC

Low flutter = 10 IC



I had the unfortunate privilege of conducting the 3rd WILMA meeting of my career this week. WILMA (Why I Lost My A$$) meetings are held to reflect on an issue and develop processes to improve. Our key takeaways were:

1) We cannot control the progression of a building structure, but we can get our legal team involved to pressure our concerns of schedule delays.

2) One leader does not have all the answers all of the time.

3) Involve the whole team when problem solving.

Benjamin Franklin said “Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.”



A little rain did not keep these 6 men in the fart sack this AM.

We had a verly large spectator audience gather at the gym entrance. Apparently, there was some sort of spelling bee or chess tournament at ELHS today? Judgning from the loud cheers, they seemed very impressed with our block form, or Abrams lack of under britches. 

FNG1 and FNG2 are Socrates and Chewbacca (father and son). Welcome back Socrates and Chewbacca. After a 6 month hiatus, Socrates posts 40lbs lighter! Congrats on the epic weight loss!

Chewbacca crushes the beatdown in his typical CrossFit fashion!

Abrams and Marker partake in a rainy standard.

Marker sternly corrects Clark on his reference to a Sharpie as a writing utensil.

Abrams is on the verge of joining a few social media platforms. Be on the lookout for friend requests and Slack posts from our most sweaty compadre!

Clark explained how yesterday he single-handedly nearly caused the complete melt down of our beloved nuclear facility. Something about low PSI???

Thinking of those at F3 Dad’s camp and everyone along the Gulf coast who suffered storm damage.

Rest well for the Murph Monday and the inevitable agony of the IPC!


Have a great weekend!
