Prepping the Navy kiddo for what’s to come

Event Date

Aug 25, 2022

+ FNG1 – Jason Gould, first post

The gloom was nice this morning. Not too hot and humid, we are seeing the hint of fall!  Though toxic still complained… Well what do you do?!?!  A group of seasoned professionals gathered for a ponytail beating. We were graced with a young gentleman, named Jason Gould, that Hot Wax EH'd.  Jason is 18 years old, currently a taekwondo instructor, and looking to pursue a career in the navy. TG was pumped to hear this! YHC was also ready to pump these guys up, so lets go!


Indian run down Hugh Torrence. We circled at queens corners mainly to slow down these thoroughbreds.

25 SSH

15 Slow Deep Squats

15 SLOW Windmills

Arm Circles

Run to the rock pile


Partner up, size does not matter. Partner 1 gets a rock that would make your momma's proud. Partners zamperini to the circle. All exercises AMREP.

  • Partner 1 – Curls for Gurls, Partner 2 – Runs a lap around circle, Switch-a-roo
  • Partner 1 – Shoulder Press, Partner 2 – Runs a lap around circle, Switch-a-roo
  • Partner 1 – Rock Squats, Partner 2 – Runs a lap around circle, Switch-a-roo
  • Partner 1 – Bent over Row, Partner 2 – Runs a lap around circle, Switch-a-roo
  • Partner 1 – Skull Crushers, Partner 2 – Runs a lap around circle, Switch-a-roo
  • Partner 1 – AMRAP Chest Press, Partner 2 – Runs a lap around circle, Switch-a-roo
  • Partner 1 – Staggered Merkins, Partner 2 – Runs a lap around circle, Switch-a-roo
  • Partner 1 – 8-Count Burners, Partner 2 – Runs a lap around circle, Switch-a-roo
    • 2 rounds
  • Partner 1 – Zamperini Walk Partner 2 – Runs a lap around circle back to partner, Switch-a-roo
    • 2 rounds

Return rocks. Line up for Indian run. Run to Queens Corner.

  • 20 Mohammad Ali
  • 20 Inclined Merkins
  • 50 WWII Situps
  • Run to COT


  • Walk the Elbow Plank – Toxic
  • JLo – HotWax
  • Amen
  • LBC – TopGun
  • Diehard
  • Box Cutter – Ultraman
  • Modified LBC – Soprano
  • 2-min elbow plank – Frontier


  • Thanks to Amen for the allowing me the honor to lead this wonderful group of seasoned professional around this wonderful AO!
  • Excited to have Jason join us this morning. Top Gun was able to give much advice and compare note on his fathers Navy experience.
  • F3 Dad's camp this weekend and then the Christina Latini event in Sept.
  • Continued prayers for our country, world issues, and those in harms way.