Presidential Physical Fitness Challenge

12 Pax showed up at the Sword to celebrate Presidents Day. Here's the breakdown:


Act 1

Welcome & Disclaimer, and then….Obama Warmarama:

-Biden Striden (mosey)

-Kennedy Side Spinnedies (alt sides)

-(William) McKinley Slow Wind Mills (12)

-Trump Jumps (Side Straddle Hop) (25)

-Taft Toy Soldiers (15)

-“Jack”son Knife LBC’s (25 per leg)


Act 2

Presidential Physical Fitness Test 

-“Bush” ups (as many merkins as you can do in 60 sec)

-Woodrow Wilson WW1 sit-ups (as many as you can do in 60 sec)

-Polk Pull-ups (20 in 60 sec or hang for 60 sec)

-Clinton Sprintins (30 foot dash x2). The Force was an humble Pax who ran up to what would have been the finish line to determine who broke the line first. However, Toxic was so rude that he called a 180 and the Pax ran in the opposite direction. That was a low blow to a fellow Pax, but then again, he didn’t get the name Toxic by accident.

-Biden Striden (mosey)


Act 3

-Carter Curls (15)

-Overhead “press”idents (15)

-Lincoln Lifts (skull crusher) (15)

-“Chest”er (Arthur) presses (15)

-Harry “S”quat Truman’s (15)

-Clinton Sprintins (30 foot dash)

Cash in coupons and then (mosey)


Act 4

-(George) Washington Wall Sit

-Pierce’s Penguins

-Ford flying the plane (Air Force 1)

-Van Buren’s B’s to the Wall

-Biden Striden (mosey) back to point 

-Pigeon (just Pigeon)

-(James) Madison Humpers (15)

-Reagan Rosalitas (15)

-John Quincy Adams Snow Angel (that really didn’t work any better than the other ones above, but just roll with it) (15)

-Madison’s “Mary” through five Pax….just for fun.


Then we had a (Teddy & Franklin) Roosevelt Recovery 


While not all Presidents could be covered, prizes were still awarded to the overachievers of the Presidential Physical Fitness Test. Their gym teachers would have been proud. First place was a lovely photo book  that will surely spread joy to others and I also included a crisp Lincoln bill, second Place was a crisp Washington bill, and third place was a quarter and a penny representing both Presidents. All three Pax  (Prison Break, Estwing, and Snake Eyes) received a glorious medal to wear around their necks to boast with those who walk by and stare with envy. 


Good to see some Pax I haven't posted with in a while. Also, someone get Prison Break in the system so I can give that dude some attendance/credit for taking first place today! 

Thanks to Enron for allowing YHC to lead another Toby Q, and thanks to the Pax for passing the test.
