President’s Day Fun and Games

Event Date

Feb 20, 2017

Missed most of the names who were there – chalk it up to old age and early morning, but had 11 total show up on a President's day holiday workout.  

Standard warm up –

Side Straddle Hop (Yes I did start with that :-)) 

Imprial Walker


Mountain Climber


Mosey to Lake Norman Christian School and did some Figure 4 Bridges and then down to the gloom of the field 

Plank Jacks run to other end of field, squat thrusts, up the hill for Sculpins, over to tables for dips and incline mercian – repeato 3 times 

Wall for People's Chair with alternating leg raises 


Mosey to Pull up bars – 10 pull ups, 20 squats, 10 pushups – repeato 

Back to the wall for People's Chain while Marching – jokes about doing it to try out for North Korean army 

LBC's, Mason Twists, Figure 4 Bridges, side leg raises 

Mosey to Green – more Mary and J-Lo's to wrap.  

Great fun and good workout for all I hope!!  
