Prime day for a kettle bell workout

This workout was originally planned for Aug 19th.  19 is a prime number, so that would have been cool.  But early this week YHC noticed Nitestick was on the calendar for today, inquired about his health and learned he is still on the mend, and offered to Q.  So although Jul 15 is NOT a prime number, we still went forward with it, and it went down something like this:

0500:  ~2 mile run standard

0530:  Mosey around the parking lot, mixing in high knees, butt kickers, long striders, and Quadraphilia.

Quick disclaimer.


  • SSH x 15 IC
  • IST x 15 IC
  • Soybean farmers x 15 IC
  • Slow Deep Squats x 15 IC

The Prime Thing:

We did an increasing rep ladder with:

  • Kettle Bell swings on the Prime numbers
  • Jump Squats on the 0s
  • KB Squats on the 5s
  • And a repeating pattern otherwise which went something like:

1:  Burpee (technically, 1 is neither prime nor composite, and this 1 Burpee is similarly an outlier)

2:  KB Swings OYO

3:  KB Swings

4:  Overhead Press IC

5:  KB Slow Deep Squats IC (yes 5 is prime, but we needed some squats on the 5s!)

6:  Skull Crushers IC

7:  KB Swings

8:  Curls IC

9:  Bent over rows IC

10:  Jump Squats


Run a lap around the parking lot.


11:  KB Swings

12:  Overhead Press IC

13:  KB Swings

14:  Skull Crushers IC

15:  KB Slow Deep Squats IC

16:  Curls IC

17:  KB Swings

18:  Bent over rows IC

19:  KB Swings

20:  Jump Squats


Run a lap around the parking lot.


21:  Overhead Press OYO (since we were getting up there in terms up reps, it was mostly single count from here on out)

22:  Skull Crushers OYO

23:  KB Swings

24:  Mason twists with KB OYO (only 2 Prime numbers in the 20s!  And we were nearly smoked by this time so we mixed this in)

25:  KB Slow Deep Squats IC 

26:  Low flutters with KB held up IC

27:  Curls OYO

28:  Bent over rows OYO

29:  KB Swings

30:  Jump Squats


Run a lap around the parking lot.


No interest in doing 31 more KB swings, and we were running somewhat low on time.  So we did:

Lunge walk with KBs over to school wall for:

  • People’s Chair KB Curls x 15 IC

Zamporini carry KBs back to circle for Mary.


  • Plank, Right Arm Up, Left Arm Up.  HOLD FOR:
  • JLOs x 11 IC (Amen – and Tclaps for helping with the "Prime" theme!)
  • Ws x 11 IC (Spare)
  • Box Cutters x 17 IC (Frontier – acceptable Prime number, but that hurt bud!)
  • WW2 situps in a Fiddy like cadence x 11 (Olive)
  • Breakdancer x 11 IC (Limburger)

Recover, recover.


  1. Please order your Operation Sweet Tooth shirt today if you have not already.  Stating the obvious, they are quite beautiful.  Always good to see you Olive, strong work today.
  2. Prayers for our brothers on the mend, including 66 and Frogger.  Forgot to include Nitestick and Frontier during COT, sorry.  Frontier simply doesn't stop posting despite the torn rotator cuff…so perhaps one can be excused for forgetting prayers!
  3. Solo Sad Clown Run Standard.  However, YHC was lucky enough to see not 1 but 2 waves of Odyssey runners!  Ran a bit with Stray, Jenny, and Nordberg.  Passed a second group, couldn't see well in the dark but believe it was Primetime who was telling me about a free men's workout…ha…sound off below if you happen to read this.  Then later, Fenway ran by our workout and tried to pants me.  Good times!
  4. Speaking of Nordberg, his VQ will be Jul 27th at Mad Scientist.  I expressed my disappointment that I'll be OOT and will miss it.  Please support him.  Incredible to be so new to F3 and already step up to Q, Tclaps brother.
  5. Hallelujah is fast.  I see track star in his future.
  6. His dad, Amen, is always ready to lend a hand and lead JLOs, however tired he may be!  Strong work today, didn't hear any complaints at all.
  7. Limburger purchased a brand new kettlebell for the occasion, so we'll expect to see him more often at The Cauldron.  His dalmation puppy will get along nicely with Fiddy's dog.
  8. When you have beasts like TBC and Ramrod among the PAX, it's tough for a scrawny dude to give them a good workout.  Hopefully you worked up a good sweat today…even if mostly because your KBs are quite monstrous.
  9. Thank you Spare for the opportunity to lead, it is always an honor.

Great work gentlemen, hope to see you all soon.