Prison Break Circuit

5 posted for the RUCK Standard – brisk 14:30 pace for a couple miles. The PAX returned to GCC and collected two more for a workout that had all the makings of the prison break circuit (minus the shivs).


  • 25 SSH IC
  • 15 IST IC
  • 5 Windmills IC


Materials & Exercises:

  • 24" Jump Box – box jumps… duh
  • Barbell with 95lbs – squats
  • (2) 45lb plates – shrugs
  • 50 lb sand bag – exploding squats
  • 50lb KB – thrusters
  • 50lb KB – KB Swings
  • 1/4 mile looop – run the bellweather

All exercises were AMRAP with a focus on form.  As teh bellweather returned form the 1/4 mile lap the circuit moved to the next exercise.  Each round broken up by:

  • 20 LBCs IC
  • 10 BBCs IC
  • 20 Low Flutters
  • Final Round finished with a group victory lap

All put out hard today.  The mumblechatter was at an erilie low level still 15 mins in and stayed that way.  Each station was tough with almost no stopping.  Proud of each today.  Honored to lead.  Humbled you followed.