Prison Swole

Event Date

Jul 21, 2020

Also in attendance- McBeal, Can of Corn, Vegemite

Some boyz from da hood decided to come out to the gloom to get a little priosn style workout this morning (writes a white boy who's name is Fairy Godfather, the irony). Disclaimer was given, doo rags were taken off and explination that "prisonor style" means all standing exercises where your hands are free require you to put yo hands behind your head fool. Let the fun and the bar-soap jokes begin.


   Prisoner Side Straddle Hop

   Prison Side Lunges



   Arm circles 

The Thang

Circuit 1 (At the Yard)- 2 rounds

   Bear Crawl

   Walk lunge forward and backwards (prison style)

   MS-13 Jumping Bean squats (prison style)

   Priosn Merkins- only the bottom half of a merkin

   Jail break- meant chasing the Q as he tried to outrun the gaurds (pretty sure this part was confusing, just like I planned it)

Circuit 2 (Outside) – 2 rounds

   Bear crawl paver push

   Curls (cadence)

   Front press (cadence)

   Bear crawl paver push

   Curls (cadence)

   Bent over row (cadence)


Circuit 3 (Solitary-play ground) OYO- 3 rounds

   Pullups x 5

   Hanging leg raises x 10

   Carolina Dry Docks- to failure

   Dips- to failure


   Bird Dogs and Fire Hydrant

   Heals to Heaven (cadence)

   Runners crunch x 7 to each side



Praises for Can of Corn officiating his nephews wedding, Stumper Jumper's daughter back to college, Praise/Prayer for   Pusher being able to encourage family friend battling breast cancer (from across the street), prayer for Vegemite's family as they prepare to pack up and live between MA and NC prior to going back to the Bush. Also prayers for FGF's Kairos brothers at Evans in SC- that they would be able to endure during these tough times and their faith would stay strong. Thnk you for the opportunity to lead. 

