Prison Yard Beat Down In Davidson

Event Date

Sep 05, 2018

8 men took to the green for a prison yard style beat down.


  • SSH 15X IC
  • IST 10X IC
  • Cotton Pickers 10X IC
  • Stretch

Mosey to pull-up bars. The PAX did 4 circuits, which consisted of 4 exercises for 5 rounds (the 4th circuit was modified due to time.

Circuit 1 (5 rounds)

  • 5 pull-ups 
  • 10 Muricans
  • 15 Squats
  • 20 LBC's

Circuit 2 (5 rounds)

  • 5 Chin-ups
  • 10 diamond Muricans
  • 15 prison squats
  • 20 big baby crunches

Circuit 3 (5 rounds)

  • 5 commando pull-ups
  • 10 man maker Muricans
  • 15 jump squats
  • 20 4-ct low flutters

Circuit 4 (3 rounds – modified for time)

  • 5 pull-ups (PAX choice of variation)
  • 10 wide-stance Muricans
  • 16 alternating lunges

Mosey back to Green.



  • Strong work by all to stay with it – there was no running but with little to no breaks there was a whole lot of huffing and puffing
  • Total rep count:
    • Pull-ups – 90
    • Muricans – 180
    • Squats/lunges – 273
  • Only a small interruption by the Pain Lab PAX though they didn't say a whole lot by way of mumble chatter
  • It's been a while since YHC has Q'd in Davidson and it was great to be back out there with some familiar faces and new ones
  • Additional PAX not signed up on the site: Whirley, Marshall, Heister