The unfinished chaotic symphony

*** Need help remembering one pax.  Sound off in comments so I can update ***

YHC #pb’d “cauldroneous strainai maximus” and 11 pax responded to do whatever-the-hell that meant.  And apparently it translates to this:

0530 we are off to the deck

Warmorama:  standard fair

  • SSH x 15 ic
  • Windmill x 10 ic
  • IST x 10 ic
  • Arm circles forward and backward 30 seconds each
  • Mosey up and down ramp for 30 seconds

The fake latin thing:

Round 1: 8 exercises x 10 ic

  1. Curls
  2. Overhead press
  3. Skull crushers
  4. Squats
  5. Bent over row
  6. Lawn mower left
  7. Lawn mower right
  8. Burners

Round 2:   go to four corners.  One exercise each corner AMRAP for 1 minute.  Lunge walk to next corner etc etc

  1. Curls
  2. Overhead press
  3. Skull crushers
  4. Squats

Round 3:  repeato with exercises 5-8

  1. Bent over row
  2. Lawn mower left
  3. Lawn mower right
  4. Burners

Circle up for round robin:  I can’t recall all that we did but we made it around the circle once and then two more exercises.   We had to dial Ping back down a bit in his selection.  Toxic brought a cool front raise thing not often done.   Force as always brought some good stuff from being a troubadour to other regions.

COT happened

Moleanus Skineous:

  • Frogger took the quote from the pb and put it in Google and it didn’t return any response.  Leave it to Frogger to be the first person ever to reach the end of the internet!
  • Even after a couple years, the jokes around Toxic and his shaft never run out and never get old.
  • The Cauldron pax march to their own drummer, but yet still stay pretty much in line.  It is quite the chaotic symphony.  YHC moved the first round from circle-up to stand-in-line hoping it would calm the mumblechatter but to no avail.  So YHC then broke the group up into 4’s with “meh” results.  So then YHC went with time so as not to call cadence upon deaf ears.  But through it all the pax still put in a great day’s work.  
  • Hot Wax determined YHC earned the Swingers Club sticker!  I am going to put it right below the “I LOVE MY WIFE” sticker.
  • What I learned today: 
    • We were so excited of the good report from Mama Force that we neglected name-o-rama.  No #Qfail here, I make no apologies for riding high on good news, and we all pray for more.  Prayer is an amazing thing.  It is not a physical thing but yet it creates physical response and also defies (human understanding of) physics.   It can galvanize people who don’t know each other — there are other regions praying for Mama Force.  It can comfort.  It can intercede.  It creates something greater than it first was — Mama Force is praying for us too.  So be The Force and Mama Force.  Harness the power of something far greater than humanity can understand.  Embrace it.  Thrive in it.  Celebrate it.  And nurture it.  Amen and amen (and toxic).