Progressing again at Titan

Event Date

Aug 09, 2021


Several weeks back Jaws mentioned he needed several Qs at Titan.  YHC grabbed 3.  Didn't originally plan to make the 3 workouts related, but at some point yesterday I got that very idea.

Two weeks ago we did 5 x 1000 meter repeats, Backblast here.

Today the plan was to stretch the intervals slightly to 1200 meters, and only do 4 of them.  Similarly, we wanted the first iteration to be our slowest, and last to be our fastest.  Here is, roughly; what went down today:

0500:  A nice little run standard with Tantrum and Marker.  Glad to have Marker join us from Denver today!


We had one Pax flying in on 2 wheels.  YHC will let the reader guess who.  We moseyed to the track, which YHC had scoped out as "wide open" earlier.  Disclaimer was given along the way.


  • 200 meters around the track in unison, to ensure no hurdles etc. were in the way.

The "Track" Thing:

  • 4 x 1200 meter repeats, with 400 meters "recovery jog" (I.E. very slow) in between.
  • The goal was to have each of the 4 iterations get a little faster each time.
  • Mission accomplished, as we did the following according to my Garmin:
  • 1200 meters #1:  Time 7:46, Pace 10:25 per mile
  • 1200 meters #2:  Time 7:20, Pace 9:40 per mile
  • 1200 meters #3:  Time 6:35, Pace 8:41 per mile
  • 1200 meters #4:  Time 5:17, Pace 7:07 per mile

Mosey back to the parking lot. 

Recover, recover; 1 minute late – Cobains.  According to Strava, we covered 4.46 miles in total.


  1. Thanks for joining us Marker.  Now you are officially off the #Kotters list.  We realize it cannot be easy to post given your new hours at work, but appreciate you are still able to do it nonetheless.
  2. Jorel asked if this track work was some form of punishment for the Bonesaw on Saturday.  But…that was my idea too bro, lol.  No this is merely an attempt to push everyone a bit out of their running comfort zone.  And also, to get while the getting is good.  I.E. using the track when the gates are open.
  3. Snake Eyes does as requested and saves something for the final iteration.  Crushed the last 1200 just like 2 weeks ago.  Great work my dude.
  4. During the Standard Tantrum discussed the movie "Jaws" and wondered when it would be age appropriate to watch with his boys.  He also said "stay far away" from the sequels which aren't that good apparently.  Good catching up today as always bud.
  5. Jaws, thanks for the opportunity to lead!  The third leg of the Track progression is 23-Aug.  We'll be doing 3 x 1600 meter repeats in a similar fashion.  I can see everyone progressing nicely, and happy to keep this going if the Pax deem it worthy.

It was a great morning gents.
