Progression of Pain Redux

A November morning in the 50s, you really have no excuse to roll out of bed and get better… unless your on the beach trip.  (I hope that none of you end up with a neck tatoo, wakeup with a lady named Candy, or a mug shot on your weekend of debauchery).  Anyhow, 7 men accepted the invite, Porker ran the standard, (left for Dad duty), along with Crack and Loveshack. 


Yes, Deepend, we did a warm up- just for you.  It consisted of:

  • 10 SSH
  • 10 IST
  • 3 windmills
  • 10 Mountain Climbers

The Thang

One of my personal favorites orchestrated by Hummer or Loveshack, the progression of pain.

YHC created stations about 30-40 yards a part, marked by cones.  

Station 1- 5 Burpees

Station 2- 10 CDD

Station 3- 15 Merkins

Station 4- 20 Dips

Station 5- 25 Curls (pax brought KB or use a rock)

Station 6- 30 (15 Skullcrushers and 15 Military Press) using rock or KB

Station 7: 35 Squats (kb assisted)

Station 8: 40 LBC (kb assisted)

Pax began at station 1 and proceeded to station 2, returning back to 1 and so on… through station 8.  Each time pax went back and forth, passing a cone, completing the exercise.  

We went through the last sequence twice, because we are grown men, out to get better today, and we forgot to return the rocks and grab the cones.



Yukon was a trooper today completing it with one foot in a boot.  

the comraderie was great today- really enjoyed the painful experience with the guys.  We really do need to stick together and look out for one another. Stroker Ace- thanks for pulling me along.

Loveshack almost rode bitch on Crack's motorcycle but thought better of it.

Thanks for the keys Shambala- full transparency, I would have slept in and attempted a sad clown workout without the Q.  Thanks for the motivation!

Make it a great week gentleman! 


