Progression & Pain are back at Gaga

Event Date

Jan 19, 2021


It was cold in the gloom, but the Q was hopeful that there would be a good turnout. Although rumors were picked up that TurnCoats Q from Monday was so hard many would not be able to escape the fart sack.

Don Ho and YHC got a short 2 mile standard in before picking up Mini Me and Snoopy to make Gaga great again.

The Thang:

Mile 1 at 8:30ish, then a pause for 20 Merkins, 15 WW2s, 10 Burpees (very confused pax at this point)

Mile 2 at 8:00ish, then repeat of the Merkins, WW2s, and Burpees (sensing a trend)

Mile 3 at 7:30ish, …. repeato

Mile 4 at 7:00ish…. repeato

Mile 5 at 7:30ish… repeato

Mile 6 at 8:00ish no time for reps or coffee so we did COT and departed.

8 total miles of running with 100 Merkins, 75 WW2s, 50 Burpees


  • Mini Me showed up trying to hijack the Q with his Ironman workout plan, YHC was not having any of it after being called out for a "fartlek" expected workout.
  • Snoopy caught up and then took the lead so all is normal
  • DH learned running sprints without warm up vs 20 somethings is not adviseable
  • Pain stations are back at Gaga, not sure they are approved by MQ Hoodie but the pax enjoyed getting more then just legs in today.
  • Looks like FiA had a bigger turnout today then most of F3 AO's as we did a flyby in the village
  • Until the next time, keep pushing each other!