Promises were kept at Mighty Oak

Event Date

Sep 25, 2024

FNG1 = Push Pop


6 pax got after it on a humid, muggy morning post thunderstorm, let’s set the scene:

2100 the night before:

YHC is falling asleep in bed earlier than normal about to get more sleep than I usually do!

2300ish: Crazy thunderstorm and downpour waking me up. It felt like I had been sleeping for hours, so I assumed it was almost time to wake up anyway and go work out. Decided to send out an extra PB in case the storm lasted only to realize after I sent it it was only 11pm and not 4am…. Alas

0530: time to go

R2D2 fresh off of saving Luke Skywalkers life came flying in nearly on 2 wheels and away we went


Mosey to benches behind school

SSH, IST, Toy Soldier, Mericans, Step Ups

Mosey to back parking lot

The Thang

Line up around circle in parking lot.

lunge walk around circle while 1 PAX runs around circle. Continue until all 5 PAX have ran

Partner Up

Partner 1 runs length of parking lot and back, partner 2 completes AMRAP of exercise.

100 mericans, 200 squats, 300 LBC’s

Burpee and Squat Suicides

Run to line, 1 burpee, run back to start, 10 squats. Repeato with every line going up by 1 burpee each line up to 7 burpees

Mosey around school to front of building

10 dips IC, Wall squat w/ overhead press x10 IC, 10 right leg lifts in dip position, 10 dips, 10 left leg lifts in dip position, wall squat w/ 10 heel touches, 30 calf raises IC

Mosey back to launch, Mary to finish

Recover recover


R2D2 has arguably the best nameorama sound after he says his name

Was good to see Turncoat, glad to see at least one of the Goatbusters still works out

To be fair, Ichabod was the only Boat Guster to show so…… pot meets kettle

Nice to meet Push Pop and way to crush it!

Thanks for the text and asking me to Q Estwing, I’ve been slacking in Qing lately so I appreciate you reaching out.

Mighty Oak has an open slot next week, someone sign up and take it!
