PRs and Merlot

17 pax succumbed to the allure of FKT… well kind of. Here is their story.

Wowie…17 pax! Well 7 decided that remedial FKT was calling, whether due to injury or simply hatred of the scheduled Q. In any case, I heard they still worked out a bit, so good for them.

The other 10 sallied forth into the darkness of the greenway behind Birkdale for an easy going 1 mile. All the while the pax audibly wondered, “this doesn’t seem very hard, now does it?”

1 mile on the dot warm up achieved as we took a quick breather right next to Pure Barre. Ok then, get your 1 mile PR, ready go! We sprinted into the darkness for 4 quarter mile laps basking in the pain of legs and lungs.

Catch your breath.

50 pushups. Yea pushups. You know where your chest hits the ground and you fully extend your arms. Sometimes we revert to something that looks more like plank position convulsions (I’m guilty too). But we did full pushups today. Followed by 50 crunches, the kind where it’s more like chest bumping the sky and your shoulder blades come off the ground.

Alright, go get your 1/2 mile PR.

40 pushups

Alright go get your 1/4 mile PR.

25 pushups, 50 crunches

1 mile mosey back to launch…get a little bit extra to hit the 4 mile mark. Recover Recover


  • Slingshot got a mile PR, which means when the humidity dissipates he can probably do it a full minute faster. Strong work.
  • Don Ho and YHC merlot-ed. Achieving merlot next to an F3 hall of famer may be one of the greatest honors of my Q career.
  • Hoodie thinks this is what FKT should be like every week. Aye.
  • I declare that Snoopy took the FKT this week since he was first on every effort, but Ducky was very close behind due to shear will (his words not mine). 
  • Ichabod pushed me to take the Q this morning and I’m very grateful. Always be EHing.
  • Frodo took it easy on me today and let me ahead of him. Thanks for the confidence boost.
  • Loved seeing Kosar for the first time in a long time (my fault, not his). He departed with loving appreciation in the form of “Thanks, Dick”
  • Everybody crushed it, very thankful for you all!