PRT in Honor

Event Date

Nov 11, 2019

Thank you all the Veterans that came out today and the ones who couldn't make it. 

FNG-1 is Boucher


SSH until Clark gets to the Circle


10 Cotton Pickers IC

10 Toy Soldiers IC

The Thang:

2 Miles you pick your course

Max pull ups in 2 minutes

Max merkins in 2 minutes

Max full situps in 2 minutes


10 Freddy Mercurys IC in honor of the Air Force

22 Merkins OYO. Thanks Abrams for reminding me


John 15:12-13 

12 My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. 13 Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.


Pray that Spork gets feeling better

Sonar said that run was longer than the Navy PRT

Rebound can do Merkins with all the Ms on his back

Sonar is getting into a rytham. Watch out.

Great to see Boucher come out after the beat down on Saturday.

Can't decide if Army Sit-ups are easier or harder than Navy Sit-ups. YHC will say Navy is much harder. 

Great work by all this morning. The whole work out was OYO for max reps and everyone pushed themselves.

Thank you guys for letting me lead and making me better every day. 

Thank you all Veterans for your time served. 
