28 of NoCo’s strongest tested their survival skills in the wilds of the Might Jungle.  Here is their story…



Mosey to the pull-up bars.

·         Forward Fold  30 secs

·         Arm Circles  30 secs

·         Arm Stretch  30 secs each side

·         Windmill  x15 IC

·         Mountain Climbers  x15 IC


The Thang:

·         10 Pull-Ups

·         Run to the 2nd island and back.  Plank when done.

·         10 Pull-Ups + 20 1-Leg Mericans

·         Run to the 2nd island and back.  Plank when done.

·         10 Pull-Ups + 20 1-Leg Mericans + 30 Knee-Ups

·         Run to the 2nd island and back.  Plank when done.

·         10 Pull-Ups + 20 1-Leg Mericans + 30 Knee-Ups + 40 Lunges

·         Run to the 2nd island and back.  Plank when done.

·         10 Pull-Ups + 20 1-Leg Mericans + 30 Knee-Ups + 40 Lunges + 50 Leg-Ups (25 IC each side)

·         Run to the 2nd island and back.  Plank when done.

·         10 Pull-Ups + 20 1-Leg Mericans + 30 Knee-Ups + 40 Lunges

·         Run to the 2nd island and back.  Plank when done.

·         10 Pull-Ups + 20 1-Leg Mericans + 30 Knee-Ups

·         Run to the 2nd island and back.  Plank when done.

·         10 Pull-Ups + 20 1-Leg Mericans

·         Run to the 2nd island and back.  Plank when done.

·         Due to grumbling by the PAX, I gave them a break on the last set of Pull-Ups, and gave them a new exercise in its place.  I called these “Let-Downs”…from a hanging position, lift your chin over the bar, then let your body back down. (You’re welcome!!!)

·         Run to the 2nd island and back.  Plank when done.


With 15 minutes left, some of the PAX peeled off to start on the mulch, since there was a funeral starting at 10.  The rest of the PAX continued the adventure.

·         Mosey to the blocks

·         Block Webbs  1/4…5/20

·         We were 4 blocks short, so the remaining PAX took turns flipping the tire 4 times each, and then switched out with others on the blocks

·         Curls  x15 IC

·         Chest Press  x15 IC

·         Skull Crushers  x15 IC



·         Dot the “I”  x15 IC

·         Sally Mericans  x10 (on my “up”, on my “down”)

·         Elbow Plank  x1 min




·         Huge numbers for the M-J today!  I was expecting a light crowd due to the Coyote, but I think Shaken’s last minute call to help spread mulch brought out some additional PAX.  Props to Shaken on coordinating that!  And a shout-out to Topgun for offering to get his truck dirty for the cause!!!

·         It was great to see the PAX helping each other on the pull-ups, and making sure no man got left behind.  That is one of the things I love most about F3, and F3 LakeNorman especially!!

·         Special Sauce and Kid Rock started in heavy with the mumble-chatter, but that didn’t last long!

·         Tweeter and Foghorn Leghorn crushed it out there!  I saw F-L serving at church on Sunday, and was looking for signs of pain…I saw none!  Strong!!!

·         Every time I saw Master Po during the beatdown, he had a smile on his face!?  That dude is either an animal, or twisted!!!

·         I hope everyone enjoyed the Let-Downs!!!