PT bellz = PT later

Event Date

Jun 08, 2018



SSH, arm circles, hug yourself, dynamic warmup (russian walk/soldiers, buttkicks, carioca, man worms) 2 laps ea with jog between laps


Bell Time (All together count out loud)

Dippy Birds on R x15 (back arched, knee straight)

KB squats x20

Dippy Birds on L x15

Lat hops over KB x30 (L to R to L =1)

Burpee Bells x10


Lungewalk to Cone w/ KB overhead

10 merkins L hand on bell

10 merkins R hand on bell

Lungewalk to benches w/ rotation over top leg


Split into 3 groups of 3

1. Squat w/ OH press and 2. skull crushers until 3. group completes hip hikes on curb x15 ea LE bell in opposite hand (rotate)

1. ½ bench dips w bells in laps 2. curls until 3. group complete ½ stepover Merkins on bell x10 (rotate)

1. KB swings 2. recover until 3. group completes stepups on bench x20 ea leg (rotate)


Moving back to AO

Side step facing road to cone w/ press outs,  change directions 1/2 way to AO


LBC’s w/ KB overhead x30


One of the toughest challenges grown men face is loneliness. Despite being married and around people, we tend to lack true friendships and relationships. We keep conversations to "mumble" or surface, watercooler talk about sports, weather, etc. We often find ourselves around other guys who are living for themselves or earthly things versus living for the Lord. This can give the feeling of further isolation. Men tend to hold back their feelings for fear of ridicule or judgement and hide the issues that are going on in their lives. This is the main reason for me joining F3. I wanted to surround myself with other Christian men that could push me to better myself (physically and spiritually) and to form lasting friendships. Accountability to show up despite the urge to fartsack, and accountability to be the leaders in our family and community.


Isiaah 41:10 NLT

Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.


Deuteronomy 31:6 NLT

So be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid and do not panic before them. For the Lord your God will personally go ahead of you. He will neither fail you nor abandon you.

Prayer Requests/Praises


Lots of chatter about Hefty's panty line that broke out into great laughter and almost  broke YHC out of routine early. But we brought it back with a difficult save. 

Nobody has hip control enough to do hip hikes on the curb. 

Lots of love for dippy birds w. bells. "Oh my hammies".

Lungewalk was fun/too far since the cone was invisible

YHC led by example then decided the numbers might have been a bit high for stepups. Don't Q it if you can't do it. But I did it.

"why do you hate my legs?"