Pull back racers

Event Date

Apr 04, 2018

9 Posted to Mustang this AM, hopefully looking forward to get swole. YHC has not hit start on the spacewatch since last Wednesday and it feels so good to be back. YHC also promised to deliver a smoke fest, so here is what we did including what else was planned and didn't do.

20 IC Mt. Climbers
Green Sally Up – 'Mericans

The Thing
Today is pull then push and let it fly (run)
Run over to CSES

Partner up for the following. Complete the listed pull up exercise, the push up exercise, then run a lap gather up style (each PAX runs back to the 6 and finish as a group). The partner is to ensure you can get 10 pull-ups. Can't get 10, no worries, modify; you get stronger. Push your partner.

Round 1
10 Standard pull-ups
10 chest to ground 'mericans

Round 2
10 reverse grip (chin-ups)
10 pseudo planche 'mericans

Round 3
10 close grip pull-ups
20 military 'mericans

Round 4
10 wide grip pull-ups
20 wide grip 'mericans

Round 5
10 alternating pull-ups
10 'merican t-planks

Round 6
10 negative pull-ups
10 copperhead 'mericans

Round 7
5 corn cob pull-ups
10 divebomber 'mericans

Round 8
Max pull-ups
Max 'mericans
Run back to ELHS

Green Sally Up – Squat edition

Keep the legs as straight as possible through each exercise. Flexing the foot helps…
10 IC Low Dolly
10 IC Rosalitas
10 IC W sit-ups
10 IC Dr. W (1+2+3=Dr. W)
20 IC Low Flutter
30 Second American Hammer

Ecclesiastes 4:9-10
Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor. If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up.

Do you have a best buddy that you can talk about real life? You can talk about adulting? I mean deep stuff, stuff that you tell nobody else? Things that you see and feel are not of the man you want to be, or are. This is the 2nd F. We have this tool right here.


  • A workout designed for Sporks pleasure…but no Spork
  • Decent crowd despite threats of rain and lightning
  • PAX seemed to think we didn't work arms today
  • When offering Ziploc a helping hand for pull-ups, he may think your extended hand is asking for something else to be placed in it. HINT… keep your hand high