Pullups: DO Them or WEAR them, your choice…

Event Date

Jan 05, 2016

Q: Pdiddy

Pax: OBC, Genghis Khan, Duvall, Axle, Sudz, Moby Dick, Devo, Klinger, Bubbles, Tater, Shakespeare, Scrum, Drumstick

Fourteen Advanced Early Shifters posted at 5:15am in the 24 degree cold for a straightforward old school beatdown.

After a quick warmup, we went to the pullup bars.

Pullup Bar Cycle:

10 Pullups, run to court, 10 Squat Jumps, Run to trailer, 10 burpees, run back.  Repeat three cycles and finish back at the bars.  Finish with ONE SET OF PULLUPS TO EXHAUSTION (5, 8, 10, 12, whatever you can do…)…CROWD PLEASER.

Run to DUMC and get a paver.  In the church courtyard (where Scrum led one of our coldest workouts ever), we completed the following:

Paver work In Cadence:

10 paver merkins, 10 alternating paver pushup -, Complete three sets of each.

Run across parking lot and back

10 curls, 10 bent over rows – Complete three sets of each.

Run across parking lot and back

10 squats, 10 burpees no pushup (OYO) – Complete three sets of each

Run across parking lot and back – put up pavers and head back to Green.

At the Green:

10 Box Jump Burpees, 10 Dips in cadence, Complete three sets of each

Mary – for final three minutes.

COT – Let's remember we're more than a workout group: Reach out to each other, make yourself available to others in the Group, and hold each other accountable in all areas of life.  We cant do it alone…Iron Sharpens Iron.

Moleskin –

Duvall complained about pullups so I reminded him: "Those who can't DO pullups should at least WEAR pullups!"  Duvall replied that he already had them on and they are quite warm… Genghis said he only wears Pullups to Rush Concerts so he does not miss Red Barchetta!

By the way, Genghis broke out his new winter wear – he's going for "best dressed" next year!

Moby Dick was proud that the group had avoided our "one joke" for the whole workout, but Duvall told him he just did not hear well enough to notice a couple of TWSS.

Kotters to Klinger.  Great to have you back with us.

Once we got going, it really did not feel that cold…really, it was fine.