Pulses…So I Guess That’s a Thing Now

"Pulses…So I Guess That's a Thing Now" as told by Ramrod to Moses during the pulse-heavy workout…  

18 men (including one FNG, John) gathered in the pre-dawn darkness to see what Waffle House had cooked up for this serving of the Mighty Oak (also Bessie not registered on website).  Here's approximately what we did:


1 lap around the parking lot, side shuffle through the cement balls, circle up, disclaimer.

SSH x 15

Cotton Picker x 15

IST x 15

Mountain Climber x 15

Perican x 15 (4-count Perfect Merican)

The Thang:

Gather around the planters

Perpetual Step-ups x 15IC, followed by 20 pulses (Perpetual step-ups are single leg, but the plant leg doesn't come back down to the ground during the set; and pulses are smaller movements while keeping the same muscle under tension)

Incline Mericans x 15IC, 20 pulses

Dips x 15IC, 20 pulses

Mosey to other end of parking lot, squats, LBCs x 10IC, Mosey back

Repeato x 10IC, 20 pulses each

Mosey again – Single leg raises, WW2 Sit-ups x 10IC, Mosey back

Repeato x 5IC, 20 pulses each

Mosey last time – stationary lunges, W's x 10IC

Take a lap, stop at planters.

Calf raises single leg x 10 IC, both legs x 12 IC

Plank variations


Big baby crunch, low flutter, freddie mercuries, Touch them heels, heels to heaven, pretzel crunch, pillow talk (maybe some others I don't remember)

Recover, Recover



– I think the pulses had mixed reviews — quite a bit of groaning, but a few positive comments after.  One comment about a "YouTube workout" which it was not.  Taught to me by a trainer a few years ago

– BS call when I switched from the high planter to the low planter, but I don't think I would have been able to call cadence if I hadn't switched.  Tough one to keep counting and breathe, mainly the step-ups.

– Thanks Jimmy-O for taking us out today

– Speed for Need 5k coming up October 1.  Try to make it out if you can

– Mayhem is collecting old sneakers – if you have some, give them to him or drop them with Early Grey at Madeline's

– Thanks to Swing State for reaching out and asking me to Q.  Happy to do it and hope everyone enjoyed it!