Pulses – what the heck are those?

12 PAX entered the gloom to hopefully have a nice serving of breakfast from Waffle House.  Apparently, they had the wrong Waffle House, and they were unpleasantly surprised.  

Not listed: Party Rock, Hot Dog

Here's what we did:


 1 lap around the mini-track in the JVW parking lot, followed by ~15 of:


Toy Soldier


Cotton Picker

The Thang:

Mosey to back of school, where a number of benches awaited.  Partner up (becuase there weren't enough benches to all stay together) and do the following:

Partner 1: 30 mericans followed by 30 merican pulses

Partner 2:  15 perpetual step-ups each leg, with 15 pulses on each leg after finishing the step-ups for that leg

Repeato by 20/10 and 15/5

Mosey about 200m to back gate and do LBC x 15, WW2 sit-ups x 15

Mosey back to benches for 30/20/10 of Squats/Dips with pulses

Mosey back to gate for Low Flutter x15 and Freddie Mercury x15

Mosey back to benches for 30/20/10 Carolina Dry Docks and 15/10/5 Split Squats each leg, with pulses

Back to gate — Pretzel Crunch x15 each side and Touch Them Heels x15

Mosey back to start (elbow plank along the way), with a little extra mosey to get to 1 mile, per Mr. Holland's OCD tendencies 🙂


I don't really remember, but I know we did Low Dolly, Rosalita, Mason Twist, and then I passed to Hollywood and he called 10 burpees!  Recover, recover.


– Thanks to Olive for taking us out, and thanks to all that gave a 10-count along the way

– Titan didn't understand why we partnered up — Cobains, my friend.  Hopefully it will make sense upon reflection.

– I admittedly haven't been out as much lately as I need to be, so this Q was tough for me.  Hope it was a decent workout for you all.

– Mr. Holland did make a comment that those pulses looked easy during the demo — but not quite so easy after doing them.  Always good to perform an exercise while the muscle is under tension.  Learned this move from a trainer in Belgium while we were over there.  It works!

– Nice to see new blood coming out — Omega's 2.0 Hot Dog dragged him out to day, at age 11.  Only 5x younger than Dr. Seuss!

Thanks for coming out — hope you all enjoyed it.  See you in the gloom soon.