Pump up the Volume

11 total PAX, 9 for the beatdown and 2 runners, graced the Brickyard for a 'volume' workout.  Working on shoulder and arm strength this week in preparation for the Heavy YHC decided to share the volume of knowledge with the other PAX today. So here's the skinny:




10 Merkins

10 Mountain Climbers

10 IST

Let's go Round the World and warm up the shoulders: Mosey down the hill

Partner Up, One Partner Runs around the building and the other Bear Crawls until Partner 1 catches up and switch.  Repeato until a full lap around the building is completed, plank till everyone is completed.

Mosey back up the hill and grab a brick (it is the Brickyard afterall)

Circle Up: No rest between sets

15 OH Press w/Brick

15 Curls w/Brick

15 Skull Crushers w/Brick

15 Merkins OYO

10 OH Press w/Brick

10 Curls w/Brick

10 skull crushers w/Brick

10 Merkins OYO

5 OH Press w/Brick

5 Curls w/Brick

5 skull crushers w/Brick

5 Merkins OYO

Mosey with the Bricks, partner up:

Same exercises as before 100 split between two PAX

1 PAX Runs, quadraphelia up the hill, 5 burpees at the top come back and swap.

Intense Mary:

Brick assisted:

25 Flutter Kicks

25 LBCs

25 Mason Twists

25 Heel Touches

10 Flutter Kicks

10 LBCs

10 Mason Twists

10 Heel Touches

Return the Bricks:

Mosey back to AO- 35 seconds left till 6:15 5 burpees OYO

Recover Recover


Cheez Whiz has his shoe trying on and free beer tonight at Ultimate Ales. Prayers for the first responders and our Military and the PAX.  Adjourn for the morning.

Side note: Not much mumblechatter this morning, but we did a lot of a few exercises.  Another side note: Make sure fire ants are not on your brick when doing skull crushers, YHC neck looks like it was in a paintball gun fight.  Lessons learned and still learning from those who are better than me, I'm grateful for the opportunity to lead and the positive feedback from the PAX. It's a good day to be in F3. 
