Pump You Up

Event Date

Mar 06, 2019

4 men showed up to "get pumped up" at Muscle Beach.


3 minutes – 1 leg walk outs (stand on one leg, bend over and walk your hands out to plank and then back, switch legs)
2 sun salutations (warrior 1, 2, 3)

The Thang
3 rounds of the following:
  1. Squat and press – 10 [35 lb kettles]
  2. Curls – 10 [25 lb dumbells]
  3. Tailgate merkins – 15
  4. Tricept overhead extension – 15 [15 lb dumbels each arm]
  5. Oblique – 10 each side [45 lb kettle]
  6. One shoulder sandbag squats – 10 each shoulder [60 lb sandbag]
  7. Front raise – 10 [10 lb dumbells]
  8. 1 Arm Kettle Swings – 10 each arm [35 lb kettle]
  9. Turkish get up – 5 each arm [20 lb kettle]
  10. Bent over row – 15 [60 lb sandbag]
After each round: run lap around the parking lot
no time today
  • This crew definitely got "pumped up" this morning thanks to DJ Natty Lite in the houz!
  • Ozzie crushing the posts.  Great work my man!
  • Q got some feedback on the Turks.  Some mods and growth opportunities for all with this movement.
  • Don't forget to sign up for the race this Saturday to support a great cause and our very own Slow Roll.
  • El Tigre taking some R&R at the end of the month. One of the pax will need to step up to provide the gym on that Wed.  Q will most likely be on new baby patrol.
  • An honor to lead you gents!