Pumping those legs @ The Viking

Event Date

Jun 26, 2018


5:23 Arrive

                Good mornings, stretching, quick parking lot lap, and amazed by the cool weather and slight breeze.


                QBert arrives.


                Group of 8 Pax left the parking lot and Mosey into the Viking.


                SIDE STRADDLE HOPS: YHC was feeling frisky knowing the leg pain would be coming I decided to take the hopes to 50 IC. After passing 10, and 25 the Pax picked up on where we were going.

                Imperial Storm Troopers: 10

                Carrot Pullers: 10

                Toy Soldiers: 10


                Mosey to the top of the hill. Pick out a rock, head back to the bottom.

                YHC revealed Burpie Ladder.

                                Start with 10 squats with the rock at the bottom of the hill.

                                Quadrafila up to the top 1 Burpie.

                                Run back down.

                                Count down the squats, count up the Burpies.

                                YHC Heard comments that the hill was surprisingly tough. I’m sure we were all feeling it by the end.

                RECOVERY LAP

                Head to the picnic tables.

                Step-ups 10 each leg.

                15 Incline Merkins

                15 Dips


                Mosey to the Basketball courts.

                Find a court of your liking.

                                Full suicides x 3

                Mosey back to the rocks.

                Mosey back to the parking lot for Mary.




                Low flutters hands on your belly

                Crunchy Frog




  •                 A big thank you to those who showed up to support me this morning. There are a lot of great AOs out there to choose from so I’m glad you picked the Viking. Thank you for pushing me daily.
  •                 First time Qing here. Lots to work with, lots of space to explore. Strongly encourage others to sign up and give it a try!
  •                 Thank you to Mayhem for the opportunity. Rest up sir get that hammy back in action.
  •                 Finally a personal note: In the 9 or so months since I have started this journey with F3 I have seen an huge physically change of course, but also an emotional one. The friendships built on those morning car drives and the sweat equity mean a lot. Just this morning on the ride home, a conversation on being a Dad and a husband stuck with me. Can’t thank my brothers in the Gloom enough for what F3 means.

                See you out there.
