Push Heavy Stuff Uphill

Event Date

Sep 17, 2019


6 men made it out of the fartsack this am and saw a funny piece of equipment they've probably never used…a wheelbarrow.  Many demos were needed to show the SVU folk how to operate this piece of machinery.


  • SSH X 29IC – kept doing them until Dandy started 
  • Mtn Climbers X 15IC
  • Apollo Ohnos X 10IC
  • Cotton Pickers X 10IC
  • Dippy Birds X 10IC each leg

Everyone head to the back and grab 2, yes 2 blocks, a piece and bring them back to AO.

We grab the two wheelbarrows, load them with blocks and head to bottom of BBH.  Split into 2 groups of 3.

Round 1:

  • Load 3 blocks into each wheelbarrow and push to top of BBH – Rotate for 3 rounds – 
  • Rest of Pax rotate between these exercises
  • High Plank
  • LBC
  • Imperial Storm Troopers

Round 2

  • Load 4 blocks into each wheelbarrow and push to top of BBH – Rotate for 3 rounds – 
  • Rest of Pax rotate between these exercises
  • Peter Parkers
  • Down Dog/Upward Dog
  • Toy Soldiers

Round 3

  • Load 5 blocks into each wheelbarrow and push to top of BBH – Rotate for 3 rounds –
  • Rest of Pax rotate between these exercises
  • ?? Forgot
  • Jane Fondas
  • Monkey Humpers

Roll wheelbarrows back to AO – everyone grab 2 blocks – return them to their homes

Help load Wheelbarrows back in Dandy's truck.


  • Dr. W's x 10IC


  • Mater said he was going to BBBroga until he saw YHC was the Q. *inlove*
  • Thanks for the assist Dandy – but maybe a little WD40 and air in the tires would help
  • Skipper was preparing for the Sailview FB onslaught due to the havoc we created this am.
  • Strudel was a beast up the hill – can tell he's not original Sailview *bicep*
  • Shirley said I stole his Q and his workout – Great minds think a like!

Pleasure to Lead,