Push the limits!

Event Date

Feb 18, 2016


SSH x 30
IST X 15
Man Maker Merkins x 10

The Thang:

Mosey to Pull Up Bars
Pull Ups x 10
Dips x 20
Merkins x 20
Repeato, Repeato

Team Tire Flips
25 flips, turn around and 25 flips back
3 squats after every flip on the way back

Mosey to the wall at THD

Peoples’ Chair with Air Press
Balls to the walls/Handstand Push Ups

Mosey back to Pull Up Bars
Chin Ups x 10
WWII Sit Ups x 10
Sand Bag Curls x 10
Repeato, Repeato
10 Toes to bars/Knee Ups

Mosey to Hell’s Ascent
You vs You
Quadriphilia Up 
5 burpees at the top, Mosey down…4,3,2,1

Mosey back to front
Mini Mary
Crunchy Frog IC x 20
Low Flutter IC x 20


Getting Stealth added to the PAX list.

This beatdown was tough. I tried new things (handstand pushups), threw out big numbers on tough exercises, repeatoed…a lot and not ONE BS call. This group put their heads down and did WORK.
The respects…and almost respects at GCC are absolute animals. 
Zuul even lead the PAX back for Mary at a BRISK pace.

YHC told Packer he had to carry a Kettlebell for the entire workout and no one else did. His response? Okay, no problem!  He didn’t do it…but I am confident that he could have.
For Stealth’s 3rd beatdown this year, he never complained and pushed HARD all the way though.

This morning we all pushed harder than we thought we could have, I am confident in that. My prayer for all men of F3 is that we push that hard in every aspect of our lives, every day. Push that hard to be a Dad, push that hard to be a Husband, push that hard to help others in need, push that hard to be light to someone in a dark place. You have it in you. Push…hard!