Pushing through Ant hills , fertilizer, & dew

Today was an opportunity to show the PAX some of the best of the AO. Here’s how it went. Running up to the start I picked up Toxic on the way. I mentioned the PB wasn’t picked up by Isotope until late. He said not to worry the regulars would all be there. He was correct. I gave the disclaimer and we were off. We moseyed 5 yards to the tree and circled up for the Warmorama:
Slow WM x 15 IC
All the Shrutes- Front, back, left & right x 15 IC
100 Up (marching in place bringing your knee all the way up in time with your opposite arm & landing exactly where your foot was and the repeating on the other side) x 25 in a 4 count = 100
Mosey to Queens Corner
Muhammad Ali x 15 IC
Freddy Mercury x 15 IC
Mosey to Travolta Hill (can we still call it that since he’s been gone for 5 years?) and plank until all Pax arrived. 
Up & over the hill – bear crawl up, & do 5 Mericans and crawl bear down the steep side. 
Bear crawl up the steep side, & do 4 Mericans & crawl bear down. 
Repeat 3,2,1. 
Now the hard part- crawl beat up the steep side & crab walk down the other side & repeato. 
Mosey to the rock pile & grab a solid coupon 
Skull crushers x 10 IC
Overhead press x 10 IC
Curls x 10 IC
Then repeat the sequence x 8 IC, 6 IC, 4 IC & 2 IC – this was done without rest and burned. 
Mosey back to the start for Mary
Hollow hold with several variations 
Spinal twist 
Great to have Frontier & Flo back today from work travels & puppy raising. 
Belair is 6 days in on a fast and crushing everyone on nothing but water – wow. 
Bob Ross is a beast and nothing I throw at him phases him. 
Out Cold hit 50 workouts today and 50 days of working out with a key chain the size of a laptop. Time to downsize those keys my friend. 
Amen knocked out a standard and the workout. Strong preparation for the drive to get the boys. 
Toxic tried to predict my plan and was thrown off when I passed the rock pile and the pain circle. He nailed Queens corner though. 
The Force was a little tired from last nights loss but on the plus side his bank account increased in 4 seconds. Have a great vacation. 
Ping is out there crushing these workouts. He is a bear crawling beast. Come support him as he Qs Cauldron tomorrow. 
Estwing got to experience some of his own hood today and proceeded to lead every part of the workout. Even after a late night with his brother. Strong work. 
Prayers for Pings friend, Frontiers tough conditions, the aging parents and caregivers, all those traveling this weekend, our brave men & women who sacrificed for this great country. 
MDM Murph is 6:00 AM from Summit with coffee & donuts afterwards 
Until next time I see you in the gloom