Put Your Shoulders Into It

Event Date

Apr 21, 2021

Six pax arrived at Muscle Beach to find a substitute Q this morning … and no, it wasn't G-Rip. 


Arm circles (need to warm up those shoulders), SSHs, TS, and some misc stretching

The Thang:

a. Lunge Curls / Squat Press / Skull Crushers

b. Plank Single Arm front extensions (alternating) / Plank SA side extensions (alt.) / Supermans

c. Bend (or is it Bent?) over rows / Tri-kicks / Upright row

d. Overhead Pull Crunch / Boat Press / Bridge Fly

We did 3 sets of 20 reps each (except for group b where we audibled to 10)


  • As always, thanks to Natty for bringing the tunes
  • Maybe Q was a little ambitious on the plank arm extensions and weighted Supermans – feel the shoulder burn
  • Seems like Natty has some exciting brew-related shenanigans brewing …
  • Morning workouts allow for earning of wine and pasta at the local watering hole (Brusco's) – great to see you out tonight, BOF!
  • Thanks to El Tigre for the opportunity to lead! That's Spanish for "The Tigre" – the man's a beast
  • Strong work men!
  • It was an honor to lead