Putting a name to it

Event Date

Nov 08, 2019

7 seasoned souls came together for a beat-down in the gloom this morning. The temp was in the 40s with a light breeze. In this session we continued to pursue of one of nature's unnamed acts. With so many deviant behaviors in this world we have to define boundaries and names for exact acts to land on common understandings. Our continued quest is to define, or atleast name, the deviance of vegtable intimacy. Research is hard on this one. Most will find it hard to search the interweb tube for such information. Lawn Dart and Red Cdar tried to borrow Froggers phone for research. Unfortunately they were unsuccessful in the convincing. The rabbit hole of information potentially found on Frogger's phone would most likely destract them any ways. Unfortunately our conversation at Cauldron will have to continue as we have still not come to a conclusion. Also with Freedom's visit our definition and understanding has been expanded to include Fruits and Vegetables. We continue to pray for those afflected with this unnamed deviance and addiction. 


  • Mosey around parking lot
  • SSH x 15
  • Arm Circles xAlot
  • Windmill x 15
  • Carrot Pullers x 1

Tha Thang

Set 1

  • KB Swing x10
  • Single Arm Press x10 L/R
  • KB Curls x10
  • Lawn Mowers x10 L/R
  • TeaBag Squat x10 L/R

Mosey 50 yards w/ Zamperini

Set 2

  • KB Swing x20
  • Single Arm Press x20 L/R
  • KB Curls x20
  • Lawn Mowers x20 L/R
  • TeaBag Squat x20 L/R

Mosey 10 yards w/ Single Arm Zamperini

Set 3

  • KB Swing x30
  • Single Arm Press x30 L/R
  • KB Curls x30
  • Lawn Mowers x30 L/R
  • TeaBag Squat x30 L/R

Mosey 25 yards w/ KB Iversons

Mosey 25 yards w/ Standing KB Twists

Set 4

  • KB Swing x20
  • Single Arm Press x20 L/R
  • KB Curls x20
  • Lawn Mowers x20 L/R
  • TeaBag Squat x20 L/R

Mosey 10 yards w/ KB Squat to Press and Step

Set 5

  • KB Swing x10
  • Single Arm Press x10 L/R
  • KB Curls x10
  • Lawn Mowers x10 L/R
  • TeaBag Squat x10 L/R

As usual, the PAX picks Mary

  • Box Cutters into Homer to Marge (Frontier)
  • Broken Windhield Wipers  (Frogger)
  • KB Twists (TopGun)
  • Peter Parkers / Parker Peters (Freedom)
  • KB Press with Flutter Kicks(LawnDart)
  • LBC (Red Cedar)
  • WWII w/ KB (Ultraman)
  • Elbow Plank 1 minute (Frontier)


  • Wonderful morning with a slight wind (low 40′) in the air. Great for this smoke fest!
  • Please help support Redar Cedar in #morethanamustache  http://support.pancan.org/site/TR?px=2979608&fr_id=1850&pg=personal
  • Continued prayers for Alex to recover from cancer removal and hopefully be released back home today
  • Prayers for 9-Lives in his recovery
  • Lastly prayers out to some folks that are feeling under the weather this week. Get better soon!