Other Pax included Overboard, STP, Toga, Doughnuts
This workout was suggested by Flip Flop. He had important things come up so I took it forth in honor of his Air Force service as well as my father’s.
Warm-up –
An immediate curveball came up with a concert in the green slated to begin at our usual start time. I called an audible and had us immediately mosey to the Davidson College track. Once there the warm-up began in earnest:
Side straddle hops
Imperial Storm troopers
Toy Soldiers
A good stretch
TheTest –
The Air Force Fitness Assessment is a specific set of both strength and cardio efforts. Scoring is based on age. Needless to say, the large numbers of “respect” members of Sweatshop helped our results. The test included:
Sit-ups with bent legs – maximum amount in a minute
Push-ups – maximum amount in a minute
1.5 mile run – timed
Once that was completed, time was too short to head to DUMC so we set into Marys while still at the track
Leg lifts
Low flutter
1 minute plank hold
Carolina Dry docks
We then moseyed back to the green (the concert was over) and finished with
Heels to heaven
Postscript – The passing score on the test is 75. Our group average was 88. Hawkeye and Hipster maxed out our points at 99 and 97.5 respectively. I think we should repeat this in 6 months or so to get longitudinal data.