Pyramid of Betterment

11men posted to SVU to get better.  A slightly damaged Q gets two-thirds done, and Cheetah brings it home.


10 SSH

10 Mountain Climbers

20 Merkins

10 Squats

Arm Circles


The Plan #1:  Hump & Jump  

5 IC Monkey Humpers

5 Broad Jumps

Sprint to intersection

Repeat-O all 4 roads intersecting Ashe Hollow and Crepe Ridge


The Plan #2: Pyramid of Betterment

Plank Touch X20

Burpee X10, Plank Touch X20

Stranded Turtle X20, Burpee X10, Plank Touch X20

Merkins X20, Stranded Turtle X20, Burpee X10, Plank Touch X20

Starburst X10, Merkins X20, Stranded Turtle X20, Burpee X10, Plank Touch X20

SSH X20, Starburst X10, Merkins X20, Stranded Turtle X20, Burpee X10, Plank Touch X20

Plank Jack X20, SSH X20, Starburst X10, Merkins X20, Stranded Turtle X20, Burpee X10, Plank Touch X20


Reflection: “for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness” James 1:3  

     Whatever you are dealing with, deal with it.  Don’t give up the yoke of your troubles, but lean into them with all your might and persevere.  As frustrating as it can be at times, stay the course.  It’s not the outcome that is important, but the process.  The process is what makes you stronger, better.


Mole Skin:

  • Welcome Flo to SVU.  Hope you got your money’s worth.

  • Great job on everyone getting this done in :45.  Huge effort to accomplish.  You are all better for it.

  • Drew this up for fun, but didn’t plan on jiu-jitsu tearing my knee up the night before my Q!.  Apologies for bailing early, but swelling came back and didn’t want to chance making it worse.

  • T-claps to Cheetah for closing the deal.

  • 11 PAX on a Thursday – good stuff.

  • The irony of Q bailing early, along with today’s reflection was not lost on me.  Fire away with mumble chatter, I deserve it.

  • Hump & Jump – more than a good idea, a real leg burner

  • Pyramid of Betterment – also known as “Pyramid of Sweaterment”

  • Lots of sweat angels in parking lot this morning

  • As always, thanks for opportunity to Q.

Respectfully Submitted,

Light Bulb