When one pulls up to the 'locked gate' roadside wet grass parking of Stumpy Creek Park, one has made a comitment to ease off a bit Fri. night…..to throttle back, then to wake up earlier than maybe one would want to Saturday morning, and to endure what 'should be' a physically demanding hour at the hands of a Q that has volutneered to be freed to lead a quantifiable group of fine men for said hour.  This comittment allows you to better yourself, to improve your fitness, your fellowship, your faith, and hopefully….your outlook on life itself.  Yes, it's that important to NOT fartsack on Saturdays when The Glen is in session.

The F3RCUSABRR Team 2018 was well represented up in them thar hills of the North Country, and they have been 'wished well', mentioned in the COT, and followed closely via Slack, The Twitter, and the like.  As such, the non-BRR'ers gathered for an 'pyramid' experience new to them, but built with stones with which they would be all too familiar.

Warm Ups- Mozy, high knees, butt kickers, R/L karaoke, kick steppers, then COP- (IC): SSH 20, IST 15, Merkins 10, MC's 15, CP's 10, WM's 10, Heel Slappers-15.  Onto….

The Thang-Pyramid- Three Base Areas of building Blocks- Each Block has three (3) exercises.  The FIrst was Burpees, Dips, and Squats.   The Second was Curls, Skull Crushers, and Military Presses.  The Third was Decline Merkins, Turkish Get-ups, and CDD's.  Each Area started with a  'base block' of 20 reps (IC for all except burpees and Turkish Get-ups), then moved to a levels of 15, and 10.  As the 'block levels' got highers, reps decreased….are you following the construction of the virtual pyramid?  There was no point to this pyramid, as there is no 'point' to our CSAUP activities.  The three base areas were the high parking lot near the upper baseball fields, the lower right soccer field with 'all the good rocks' and the playground between the two parking lots.  Men ran between these 'block areas' to BUILD the pyramid.  Capiche.

Wheelbarrow Merkins-partner, each partner does a merkin (1) across 5 parking lines, while doing a wheelbarrow along the way, switch and repeat.  

Mary (IC): Lear led LBC's 71, Low Flutter 20, Mason Twist 15 (Crack led).  Recover, recover.


-FNG1-Eric Corser, FNG2- Travis Shuford, FNG3-Bueller, FNG4-Buttermaker (newly minted), FNG5- Strahan (Brushless's 2.0), FNG6- Sausage King.   Please work to get Sausage King, his son Bueller, Buttermaker, and Strahan on the F3LKN website!  

-The Third Block of the soccer field rockfest had to be done 'audibly' after Block Two of the the playground reps due to a gathering of soccer fans for a game.  

-Guest Cadence Counters (GCC's) included, but were not limited to Strahan, Lear, Tailhook, Soul Glo, THE Senator, Sausage King, Bueller, Crack, Straight Cash Homie, Chicken Little, and many more!

-Coffeeteria, again at Panera, we well attended, and thanks to Tote Bag and others for filling out the 'rest of the 27' for the Q.

-COT prayers went out to Ticktock, his daughter and family, the BRR Team, and other intentions.

-Mumblechatter was at its peak today, and that's a good thing, because the Turkish Get-Ups were aparently very unpopular!!

-Gents, you are ALL Freed to Lead, give it a go!!!
