Pyramid workout with 10 exercises to start my 10 year anniversary week & birthday week

Hoffa not on webiste

warm up:

1 lap, SSH 25x, IST 10x, TS 10X, long snapper 10x, windmill 10x

The thang: (kettlebell used for all exercises except for merkins)

merkins 10x

curls 10x

merkins 10x, curls 10x, calf raises 10x

merkins 10x, curls 10x, calf raises 10x, shoulder press 10x

merkins 10x, curls 10x, calf raises 10x, shoulder press 10x, alt lunge 10 each leg

1 lap

merkins 10x, curls 10x, calf raises 10x, shoulder press 10x, alt lunge 10 each lead, lawn mower 10 each arm

merkins 10x, curls 10x, calf raises 10x, shoulder press 10x, alt lunge 10 each leg, lawn mower 10 each arm, squat 10x

merkins 10x, curls 10x, calf raises 10x, shoulder press 10x, alt lunge 10 each leg, lawn mower 10 each arm, squat 10x, skull crushers 10x

merkins 10x, curls 10x, calf raises 10x, shoulder press 10x, alt lunge 10 each leg, lawn mower 10 each arm, squat 10x, skull crushers 10x, KB swing 10, 8 count burner 10

merkins 10x


jane fonda 20x


Not much mumblechatter, just a lot of hard work with not much time between exercises

Einstein challenged a bunch of us to 200 merkins per day for the month of Dec so we knocked out 200

This week is the week of my 10 yr F3 anniversary so we did a pyramid workout with 10 different exercises

I want to thank Soprano and Hippie for introducing me and pushing me to come out to F3.  I did some SSH for Soprano (only 50 not 200 but we will see what i decide on my Q’s the rest of the week) and also did some Jane Fonda for Hippie.  Make sure to thank whoever brought you out to F3.  Every PAX that I have encountered has impact me and I am so appreciative of all of you!  You all have pushed me to improve on many aspects of my life and continue to push and challenge me to continue to work on getting better each and every day!  Please make sure to continue to spread the word and keep inviting FNG’s to F3!!!

Thanks to Bijoux for taking us out in prayer.  Prayers to Quiet Riot’s wife who has surgery today.