Q Ball in the Cauldron Pocket

From the moment I signed up to Q, I had planned to enlist the help of a 25# exercise ball. And given that The MQ was always flaunting his thick, black rope, it only seemed right to show off my soft, smooth ball. As the day approached, I panicked that there may be too many hands so at the last minute, I asked Goat if he would allow us to use his (slightly smaller) ball as well.

When I arrived at DPK, The Force was just returning from a solo standard and Goat was shuffling around the green. He had left his ball in a conspicuous place so I gathered up both and deposited them in the garage basement. When I returned to the parking lot, Die Hard, Ultraman, Toxic and Frogger were getting out of their cars. But wait, the pax list says Lawn Dart was present? He was, but not until much later.

At 0530 YHC kicked things off with a lap around the green, feeling only the slightest bit of guilt for not joining the MQ earlier. I guess he held a grudge as I had less than 50% particpation with him and 3 others pretending to warm up on their own. When we got back to the bells, I had everyone reassemble in the deck and then took another lap down a level and up the stairs. The MQ joined for that lap but I still had 3 refuseniks. Finally, we Zamperinied to the basement for CoP.

That would set the stage for today’s workout. At any given time, roughly half of the men were working out, a handful were chattering, and the others were standing around pretending to work out. Following an official warm up, the men gathered at the bottom of the ramp for the Q’s ~Very Simple Instructions®~ (which also happens to be when Lawn Dart finally made an appearance).

Two men would throw the provided balls overhead up the ramp and repeat to the far end, then saunter back with the ball. Meanwhile, the rest of the pax would do the called KB exercises. On the first few rounds, I had the pax guess the winning ball carrier; those who picked wrong would suffer a 5-burpee penalty. After the 2nd time, it was clear no one cared for burpees and so we dropped that idea.

After everyone had a chance at the overhead toss, we went a 2nd round with a backwards, overhead throw. For the 3rd round, we went with a longsnap of the ball between the legs. With the 3rd round completed and time still on the clock, Goat suggested pairs toss the ball back and forth as they shuffled up the ramp so we did that too. All the while the gallant Q called exercises in cadence as some of the men joined in.

With a few minutes to spare, we returned to our cars and planked for about 90 seconds before calling recover x2 and praying it out. 


  • The talk pre-workout was around how everyone was careful not to like the standard tweet which would have implied an HC
  • TClaps to Goat for providing a 2nd ball. It was not as heavy, but much firmer
  • I think DieHard and Goat were the only one’s (other than YHC) to fully participate this morning. Sound off if you did too
  • Lawn Dart was hoping for a guest appearance from Atlas. Must have waited outside his house a while causing him to arrive 10 minutes late
  • Ultraman maimed The Force with an errant ball toss at one point which prompted a late disclaimer
  • After calling the Nantucket earlier in the week, Toxic did the Peeping Tom today — calf raises while peering through a concrete “window”
  • Frogger required a visit from a drill instructor halfway through the workout. It had minimal effect
  • This may have been due to all the acid trippin’ he did in his youth #S2K
  • Thanks to 100% turnout at #coffeeteria, everyone received double points today
  • Keep the fallen in your thoughts this Memorial Day weekend