Q Fail

Event Date

Jan 19, 2019

FNG-1 Was LEVI C# Nephew (forgot what we dubbed him) 




Merkins 5 More

Monkey Humper 5 More

Carolina Dry Dock 5 More

Burpees 5 More

Donkey Kicks 5 More


Mosey to the rock pile to get 2 blocks. (Already had a ruck sack present)

PAX were instructed to work as a team and get to the bottom of Little Egypt with 2 blocks and a ruck sack in tow.

At the bottom of the hill we repeated the 5 more circuit.

Merkins 5 More

Monkey Humper 5 More

Carolina Dry Dock 5 More

Burpees 5 More

Donkey Kicks 5 More

PAX were instructed to work as a team and get back to the rock pile at ELHS with 2 blocks and a ruck sack in tow.

1 min American Hammer


-I call it a Q fail because I have never seen PAX this strung out during a team effort of carrying weight. One block was a half mile in the front and only saw 2-3 PAX. 3-4 PAX were in the middle and never saw the weight. 5-6 PAX were in the back with a block and a ruck sack. I should have done a much better job keeping us together as a team, especially when crossing 73. Sorry I failed you.

-I let the ten burpee penalty slide as the flag was planted at 0701. At least we had a flag……. (Side note- I actually saw the SVU flag on Thursday, It still exist)

-I was scolded for giving a disclaimer at 0658 and then for starting early but my Garmin said 0700. Motion to make garmin time is official F3 time. All in favor…..

-The Dull family used their vehicle’s bumper to assault another innocent animal recently.  Hoping the repairs went well and didn’t hurt the wallet too bad. Glad the humans were okay in the incident.

-Not going to lie. Felt good to wear a ruck sack again. Spork seemed to think so too.

-During the Donkey Kicks I caught Spork doing a fire hydrant. I got my eye on you…..

-A mysterious hunter may have been trespassing and/or stealing a tree stand near the RR tracks.

-A dog walker saw our blocks and offered us some more he had at his house. No one wanted anything to do with more block action.