12 pax showed up to a great morning to go for a run. Popcorn was Qing Gladiator so of course we headed strait to there for an uplifting flyby. We gave the wannabe gladiators a quick drubbing and then headed down Ranson. The pack was broken up severely after the flyby, with a lot of us entering Rosedale at different times. I also freaked out and gave different directions, to different groups of pax. An EPIC Q failure noted Frogger and I couldn’t argue with him. We eventually all made it to the greenway, back onto Wynfield Parkway and back to home base. We all ran between 5 and 6 miles. Of course Ultraman ran 6 (that we know about). Shout out to Qbert for running with us and to Frogger for waiting until the end of the run to spread his Tesla propaganda.