Q Flip Flops & Repeatos at The Foundry !

Add to Pax: Watson (2.0 of Bam Bam), and FNG Brian now "Dutch" named by Bam Bam & Moses.

18 Sweathogs reached deep down for a truly gloomy Friday with just about a full moon but unable to view with the pressure building in the sky.  73 temp & 95% humidity meant for a swampy effect.  Once again, F3 is not about just any one of us so why not bring in a Surprise Co-Q.  Moses agreed to take part in the surprise Co-Q & delivered with ease.  Yeeeeeeehaw !  Here we go !

Mosey back and forth thru the parking lanes with high knees, quadrephelia, basketball slides, then circle up.


SSH x 20 IC

Merican x 10 IC

Mtn Climbers x 15 IC

Windmill x 10 IC

Toy Soldier x 10 IC

Short mosey to edge of first parking lane or for coolness effect  – The Switchback.

Run Intervals:

25% speed down first Switchback of Pain, 50% next, 75%, then 100% Sprint down last lane

Partner up to the pull up bars if assistance needed.

Each partner 5 pullups OYO, then 5 Burpees.

Line up back to Switchbacks.

Lunge Walk with Air Press (really suck about 3/4 way thru), Plank, Diamond Mericans x 10 IC

Quadrephelia to end of lane

Bear Crawl Mericans – Bear Crawl to each of 3 trees + sidewalk, then 10 Mericans (total 40), Plank, Wide Mericans x 10 IC

Mosey to bottom of stairs towards woods – Clean hand off to (Edwin) Moses for some Q action !

Moses – Partner Up.

Partner A – Side Lunges x 25 each leg, Partner B head back to A frame to Ninja Warrior monkey bars one time thru, back to bottom of stairs, flip flop, repeato

Partner A – Zig Zag throughout cones in Slalom motion up & down parking lot, Partner B hit the A frame monkey bars one time thru (tough), flip flop, repeato

Can Opener ab crunch x 10 IC both sides

Glute Bridge hold x 2

Back to YHC to finish off the Pax.

Stay on your six.

Reach & Catch oblique blaster x 15 IC

Mosey to middle Switchback & back with your Partner.

Partner Push & Pull:

Partner A pushes Partner B the length of Switchback, flip flop Repeato

Partner A pulls Partner B, flip flop, Repeato

Mosey back for quick Mary, Elbow Plank – 1 min.

Time – DONE !

Rumple Moleskin:

(1) Thanks to new Master Q, Don Ho, for allowing me to Q The Foundry !  This AO is the best in Isotope in my opinion.  It may be close to others until you walk in the woods and see the Awesome A Frame Ninja Warrior butt kicker.  Incredible !  Good Luck Don Ho !

(2) If you have been in F3 for at least a few months, you should have had your Virgin Q.  If you have been more than a few months or even year, you should try to Q at a different AO at least once per month. Men leading in a rotating fashion is a big part of it.  Challenge yourself  & Q at new AOs !  Lots of good ones in Isotope.  Wanna make a friend fast, sign up on Isotope website and let the MQ know.  He will love you ! – Ha

(3) Thanks to Moses for agreeing to Co-Q with YHC today.  Love the exercises he uses in his Qs & have incorporated many into my Qs.  Thanks for taking us out with your story of F3 !  All I could really keep hearing as you were talking was "Strength in Numbers" which is truly what F3 is about.  Thanks for bringing F3 North of the city 5 years ago.

(4) Strong post by the pax today for sure.  It just happened to begin sprinkling as soon as we fist bumped & started walking to our cars.  Someone or Something allowed us to stay dry before that.

Stick a Fork in Me, I'm Done !

Mayhem (in the AM)