Q from the bullpen

Event Date

Dec 22, 2018

FNG 1 (Socrates) newly relocated to Lincolnton from Fort Mill, FNG 2 (2.0 Chewbacca), FNG 3 (2.0 Quattro)

Warmup: windmills 15 IC, cotton pickers 15 IC, arm circles fwd/retro 15 IC, hug it out OYO, toy soldiers x10 ea leg IC, lunge stretch w rotation 2 ea leg, butt kickers OYO 

Mosey lap to flag pole, partner up :one runner,  other exercise then switch
30 dips, partner lap fwd/reverse
10 step ups each leg, partner laps
15 plank knee to elbow, partner laps
10 seated jumps,  partner fwd lap

Mosey long way to rock pile grab one
30 curls, skulls crushers move R after 15 then 15 more leave rock in place for later

Lt Dan: 5 lunges each leg=10 then 10 squats Repeato x5

Hit the hill. AMRAP At Bottom 5 merkins, quadrafeelya 20 LBCs, 20 wall taps, 20 low dolly repeato (leaders got 5 cycles)

Rock squat overhead press then pass R. Repeato to L

Plank progression (wrist, elbow, shoulder, hip, knee x2 each) 3 reps

10 Burpee penalty for no flag (ahem Ziploc)

Dead bug 30sec (Chewbacca), 15 burpees (Quattro)

Reflection: 1:John 4:9 God showed how much he loved us by sending his one and only son into the world so that we might have eternal life through him. 

Pause to "see" all the signs and miracles around us during this holiday season. Remebering Christmas is the beginning of the Easter story. 

Prayer requests/prayer

Mumber chatter: Apparently nobody liked the return of the Lt Dans or the hills workout but this was a throwback to my first workout almost exactly a year ago in which I almost couldn't walk for a few days and it was 7 degrees. Many things have changed in the year as the workout seemed much easier, maybe bc I'm down over 20# from then and it was warmer. 

Great to have Socrates and a small part of his large family (2 of 13 2.0s) join us as he's been removed for F3 for almost a year due to twin 1 y/o kids (2.12 and 2.13) giving School bus a run for his money and he recently moved from Fort Mill. Welcome brother. And his 2.0 brought it today as Quattro must have gotten his name from the turbo Audi engine as he consistently paced the entire workout, esp the runs in which he smoked all of the old guys trying to push him. Great job young man!

The squat overhead rock press pass proved to be too much thinking for this group so we kept it one direction and struggled through it. Prob my fault for poor leadership/communication. Seemed easy to get in my head and we finally figured it out towards the end.

Lots of checking of the watches throughout the workout hoping it was almost over, which I take as a compliment that you were being pushed a bit and not bored. 

thank all of you for pushing me and giving a reason to get out of bed consistently over the last year, sharpening my iron, helping me get fit(-er, -ish) and surrounding me with godly men while having "fun."   

Prayers for all, safe travels, those hurting physically and spiritually, those families that have recently lost loved ones, and above all that we recognize the needs in others and are brave enough to help.