Caesar also in attendance, not on the Pax list yet.

Here's what may have happened today:  It's little fuzzy.

34 hard chargers volunteered for a 2-Q beatdown that rightfully should have been Q’d by a third. 

The Thang:

Warm-o-rama in the theatre lot.

SSH X 25

The Windmill

Cotton Picker

The Merkin

Mosey to the ramp and partner up for 10 rounds of up and downs: Partner 1 runs up the ramp, around to the steps and down while #2 does the exercise:

Round 1: Merkins

Round 2: Alternating lunges

Round 3: Wax on Wax off Merkins

Round 4: The Groiner

Round 5: Squat-kicks

Round 6: Jump squat

Round 7: People’s chair/ punches

Round 8: Scorpion Dry Docks

Round 9: Single-leg burpees

Round 10: Balls to the wall

Mosey to Theatre lot and line for:

Suicide Merkins- island 1: 5 merkins and return, island 2: 10 merkins and return, island 3: 15 merkins and return

Burpee broad jumps to island 1, then frog hops to island 2, return

Burpee suicides: island 1: 5 burpees and return, island 2: 10 burpees and return, island 3: 15 burpees and return

LBC suicides: island 1: 10 LBC and return, island 2: 20 LBC and return, island 3: 30 LBC and return

Mosey to launching pad for 1 minute of MARY: Mason Twist X 25

Recover X2

  1. Apologies to Auto for not following the Q protocol.  Omega made me do it! (Actually, we didn’t know any better.  And ignorance of the rules always exempts one from having to follow said rules.)
  2. Apologies from Hippie for apparently lining up 3 Qs for the same workout, then completely going dark for 12 hours before the workout, as the confusion set in.
  3. 34 is a solid number- lucky for us Gaga launches at Robbins Park next Wednesday to further the ABD principle (Addition by Division).
  4. Three 2.0s were out in the gloom today (Lil Ben, Hallelujah & Rambo).  Always great to see that!
  5. Also great to see Olive out in the mix this morning.  Please know you’ve got many, many men who continue to pray for you, Brother.  Lean on us for support.
  6. Omega ruined what could have been a good workout with his Burpee suicide call.  Notice how that exercise’s initials are BS?  There’s a reason for that.   
  7. Great work by all this morning.  Thanks for posting, fellas.